A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Ramifications of Hope..

Hope lurks in the hearts of every man, until all faith is lost.

It is because of my afflictions and my weaknesses that I conjure up hope.

Hope is faith looking through binoculars.

Never measure your value by your talents; measure instead, by your willingness.

Even better than your willingness, is to measure by what you are actually doing with your willingness.

Men measure from the outside in; while God measures from the inside out.

If you are a Christian, you are never “unchosen.”

Hope endures the punishment of public opinion.

Hope and faith are two twines that when woven together with love cannot be broken.

Christians are not “rejectable,” only “directable“.

Whenever you have “had enough,” there is still hope.

It is our hope, that in our weaknesses, He will make us strong!

You can never use up your hope or diminish your faith.

God, Himself, has given you Faith, Hope, and Love to strengthen yourself.

Failure has little to do with either faith or hope; most likely it will be the execution of them.

Everyone has a secret weakness that they struggle with…yes everyone.

Your “thorn in the flesh” is to help you build your faith and develop your hopes.

Some weaknesses are more noticeable than others, but we all have our weaknesses.

What you do in spite of your weaknesses, is what is memorable about your life.

Men may reject you, but Jesus embraces you!

If you are a Christian, you have chosen to be chosen!

A Christian never need concern himself, as his next step has been ordered.

Walk faithfully, and you will have hope.

Hope is seen on the shoulder of faith, which support one on the knees of prayer.

Wealth is what you take to Heaven with you not what you leave behind.

Love and forgive, even and especially, when it is not returned.

God blesses the faithful in ways the unfaithful can never understand.

What must God do to keep us to our commitments?

Who does God report to?

Forgiveness is for the asking and pain is for not asking.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You tend to receive what you believe.

What you have received increases your faith.

For Christians, fear is quite unnecessary.

A Christian can stand on “wet wood” because the fire comes from above to what is below.

Prayer is the proper cure for anxiety.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Power is undeserved control over others.

An employer considers if you will benefit him, before he considers if he will benefit you.

Worry never solves your problem but it will mess up and peace you might have had.

Obedience is the mortar of Faith.

Whatever you worship alters your life.

What you believe is what you do.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

May I be less remembered for my history, and more remembered for my mercy.

May your passion exceed your adversity!

A good church is more than nickels and noses; it is disciplining.

It takes passion for your Faith to get other’s attention.

If the fire of the Holy Spirit falls on a church; the town will gather to watch the fire!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Prayer is one way of surrendering to God’s persistence.

It is not what you gain in life; it is what you receive for Him, that counts.

Prayers are glasses for the soul.

God wants to give you more than sin will allow.

Prayer is to a Christian, as vision is, to the physical life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Faith thoughts:
Your faith can change the history of another.

Your Faith can change the blessings of others!

Faith is never hopeless.

Prayer and Faith are kindred spirits.

Diligence is faith in action!

If faith does not interfere with your life you are not faithful.

Faith is the best way to further your cause.

The test of Faith that most people fail is perseverance.

If faith were not a necessity in a Christian’s life, the
New Testament would not have been written by jailbirds.

Understand that your faith is the door of opportunity.

Diligent faith is the most productive and the least painful.

Love is applied Faith.

Faith causes you to appreciate fluent compassion.

God can do what you can only dream about.

Faith complicates you life in a wonderful way!

If you are not called, you are not listening!

Better to overachieve for God, and underachieve for Satan.

Moving closer to God will not make you more fanatical; it will make you more loving.

When you agree with Him, He will answer your prayers.

God hates sin because it keeps Him from doing more for you!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

There is no song you can sing, nor any prayer you can offer that will truly express, the love Jesus has for you.

Sacrifice is giving more than you want, for someone you should!

The more you allow God to guide you, the more sure you are of success.

Doubt is your unbelief crawling out again.

Another’s disgrace should bring you no happiness.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Is there  Hope??? Yes there is!!

Old hope paves the way to new hope.

Hope never fails until you run out of it.

Hope is generated out of exercised Faith, known history, and answered prayers.

What I believe is faith, what I do is charity, and what I expect - is hope.

God often fails our time schedule, but never His!

Evil could triumph if not were not for the hope of Good.

Hope sends light into the darkness and chases evil into hiding.

Faith and Hope are identical twins from the same Father, with different personalities.

Faith is the foundation and Hope is the tower - being built.

Doubt is uncommitted Faith.

Evil is as real as the sins in your neighbor’s life, …yours, as well!

It there were no evil there would be no judges, nor jails.

Adam was locked out of the Garden of Eden for the same reason we put locks on our doors…..evil!

Pray not to understand evil, but pray to understand good.

Surround yourself with good, and evil will take its own flight.

Pray for the wisdom to discern good and your life will be filled with it.

Time moves lives whether you are ready or not.

The best way to remember your blessings is to give some away.

If you help make a change in one life, you chance that life’s affect every life it touches.

Stand in praise, and bow in humility, both are necessary, and both are welcome.

Is the Bright and Morning Star shining in your heart today?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Better your testimony hinder your patriotism; than your patriotism hinder your testimony. It is best is to be in balance in both.

Satan likes to bring by a doubter in the middle of your faith walk.

Grace is the power of the Holy Spirit to make saints out of sinners.

Is your church familiar with seeing and hearing from you?

The trouble with trouble is it is troubling!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Delighting in God:

Christians are drawn to God by His great love and serve Him, because we love Him.

Most religions fear their god and serve out of obligation, not love.
Only Christians are able to delight in their God, rather than grudgingly carrying out His mandates.

While Christians take their relationship with God seriously, we do so with love.

Avoiding hell is wonderful but gaining Heaven is sublime.

God brings us much more potential for happiness than He allows for sorry.

Christians worship with a smile on their hearts, not heaviness.

Being a Christian is participation in Joy, indescribable and to be full of spiritual giggles.

The tears of a Christian are “bottled up” by the Father, to be explained in Heaven.

While Christians are offered sadness by the world around them, they have a secret hope that passes all the trials of this world.

Even in the midst of misery, there is a special contentment for the Christian.

Jesus shares our heartbreaks and fills the voids that sorrows leave in our life, with His love.

Peace is facing contention with faith.

Christians are not angry with the other religions of the world, even though they appear to be with Christians.

Spending time with Jesus will put a smile on your heart.

As Christians, you have joy unspeakable; you need to try to tell other about that joy.

Christianity teaches us how to love good and hate evil, and to do good and avoid evil.
Holiness is a process of shedding that which is not.

The Holy Spirit teaches us to love the Father, through the Son.

Christians treasure God, rather than endure Him.

The more love I have, the less pain defines me.

After I pray, I go out to do good to those who share my faith and to those who do not!

Salvation is when we recognize His love is greater than our sins and we repent and accept His love.

Sanctification is determining His love is our fuel to a blessed life.

Delighting in purity is a choice, just as sin is.

Sanctification is a pursuit of God’s love to be applied in every choice we make.

You can be pure and be imperfect at the same time.

The worst failure is the failure to repent, when you have done wrong.

Christian can have sadness and peace at the same time.

“Happiness will overtake the righteous,” and that is true delight!

The Joy of Jesus often breaks out into happiness.

Is your church known for its faith, or for its foolish ideas?

Are you known for being an American, more than being known as a Christian?

I am thankful to be an American, and grateful for becoming a Christian.

I was born an American and reborn a Christian.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Faith is not natural; it is supernatural.

Faith requires vision, and vision requires faith.

Faith grows in the valleys and shines on the mountain tops.

To live by faith, it requires a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Hope grows by faith, nourished in Love.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

God Awareness:

Everyday I explore the Hand of God, in which I reside.

It is better to be aware of His presence, than to be surprised to be there.

Every moment is a “God moment!”

When you are unaware of God, then that part of you is not living.

Life is in the Vine; if you are doing something “off Vine “ you are in deep trouble!

I walked in the damp grass this early morning and He was with me before I noticed He was there.

Peace is knowing He is present.

I saw a leaf this morning and it reminded me He has already counted it.

Wherever I go He is, has been, and will be!

His presence is the Christian’s ultimate present.

Once you know Him, He is never unknown again.

If you take a step back from God, He takes a step closer to you.

Your forgiveness brings His presence, which is your reward.

A Christian can never be “nowhere,” ever again.

His great Heart is spinning love towards you, every moment, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, throughout your life!

His presence is like none other!

Whatever I have not prayed for, is in danger!

Do a kindness to someone who cannot return the favor.

Guilt and shame do nothing to help build your faith; forgiveness will!

How adequate are you allowing the Blood of Jesus to be in your life?

Faith makes God a treasured possession.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Thoughts on the Holy Spirit;

Paul, proclaimed he died daily to himself and needed to be filled everyday afresh with the Holy Spirit.

One must have repented and believed before he can access the Fullness of the Holy Spirit in his life.’

The Holy spirit is the one who leads us into all truth.

The Holy Spirit is the blood that flows though the Christian’s life to empower his service and prayers.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a choice just like salvation, but one that must be chosen again each day.

To become a disciple requires the full presence of the Holy Spirit.

The difference between a baby Christian and a mature Christian is the willing to be lead by the Holy Spirit.

General William Booth, the founder of the Salivation Army, said to his son, Bramwell Booth, I give you the greater task, that is, to make disciples out of our converts.

Discipleship is a process of being saturated in the Holy Spirit.

Holiness is as holiness does.

You cannot live a victorious life without the continuing awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

It is when you know you are control of your life that you’re most dangerous.

If God has called you, then it He who is at risk.

What are you doing today that will require God’s attention?

God gives even when you hold back.

Jesus knows what it is like to be really hungry, do you?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Mark of Maturity:

Maturity is understanding the direction God has planned with a positive attitude.

Internal growth is the most difficult phase of maturity.

Stretching your faith strengthens you faith.

Faith is a key ingredient in maturity.

Weak faith sees dangers at every turn; strong faith sees God’s sufficiency at every turn.

Moderation is a positive form of maturity.

Demanding is the harsh side of immaturity.

Most bad choices are decisions not to control your weaknesses.

Maturity causes you to choose joy over happiness.

Making youthful mistakes in old age is still unwise.

Making wise choices in your youth saves you a  great accumulation of pain.

An old fool is a good example of the development of a young fool.

Season youth with maturity for balance, and sparkle your old age with a dash of youth.

Doing right often requires more effort, but the rewards leave no tragedy.

Spiritual maturity is learning to focus on the prize.

Everyone wants to be right, when they are doing wrong!

You can never earn the right to do wrong.

Ignorance only explains bad behavior once.

Maturity means God’s presence makes good sense.

A step in the right direction is a step away from sin.

“Jesus loves me; this I know,” makes more sense to our youth, than thousands of the rock songs that are designed to rock their faith!

Maturity may not keep you from failure; but it will help you to recognize it!

Your friendship circle, represents your greatest threat to do either good or evil!

The further you are from God, the more sense lies make.
Trivia is overtaking knowledge at a rapid rate.

Forcing yourself to do what is right is called self-discipline.

Friends are people who have chosen not to be your enemies.

Doing right frustrates those doing wrong!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

 How do you show your love of the brothers and sisters in your church?
Are they getting the message that you love them?

Jesus said "They will know you are a Christian because you love the brethren"!

How many brethren will testify as to your love for them?

Get busy loving those folks, who you will be spending eternity with…Today!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Love, boundaries, and obedience:

Love indicates that I am willing to live within the bounds of love. Marriage suggests boundaries of the very nature of the relationship. There are things that I will no longer do and things I will do because of the love that binds our marriage relationship. The degree of commitment to which I obey these boundaries and the obligation of that relationship, will predict the value and longevity of that marriage.

So our relationship to God is bound up in our willingness to live happily within the boundaries of that spiritual relationship. God will never violate His commitments to us and our need to strive in that direction that keeps “what we have committed to Him against that day.” The is a joy in a friendship when we both respect the relationship enough to keep it in good repair. Trust, honor, honesty, are necessary for all of these human relationships. Our spiritual relationship is developed around the same principles.

If we are busy with: “Seek you first the Kingdom of God,” then obedience is a natural progression in that direction. As we become obedient to the boundariesof our relationship with God, our lives are flavored with pre-obedience because we know what we should be doing as we “press towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Obedience brings stability and a sense to togetherness of which disobedience has no clue. Finally, obedience to God has its rewards and disobedience has its consequences. You choose by your behavior which is coming your way.

You do not earn your salvation, but you must earn your own rewards for Heaven!
Whatever I have given, can never be taken away.

Men earn their loneliness by rejecting friendships.

Friendships require much more effort than acquaintances.

If you are not friendly, few people will cross your boundaries.

Monday, August 15, 2011

You don’t earn your gift; but you do its usefulness.

A dedicated talent is your gift. to the Giver.

For me to be always right, the rest of the world, would have to be mostly wrong.

Only the Christians get to play the game of life; the rest are playing the game of death.

Doing better than you have, should be your only yardstick

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Your mess, is your test, of your message.

How you react to your mess, is how others will perceive your testimony.

We all make messes; few turn their messes into the right message.

Clean up your life; do not leave your messes in someone else’s life!
Fulfillment comes from doing what is right; you never get fulfilled by doing something wrong!... No Never!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

 Thoughts on a true freind..

You learn from leadership but not from dictatorship.

A brother is someone who loves you like you are but won’t let you stay that way.

People will listen to wisdom but resist demand with everything within them.

The sinners best hope is a good friend with a right heart.

If you loved me you would do it,… a selfish friend demands!. ….If you loved me, you would not ask me to do it. .answers a true friend!

May your friends be aa persistent for you good; as your enemies are for your destruction,

A good friend hangs on, when others let go!

Wisdom helps you know which of your friends has an evil heart.

Good is the core of wisdom, while evil is the center of foolishness.

Fun is only fun if it brings happiness to the lives of others.

Happiness is a bi-product of being in the Will of God.

Satan’s job is to make you smile, while he is making you unhappy.

Jesus came to make you smile regardless of what is happening.

A friend who causes you to do right; causes the best in you.

A real friend is more concerned for your welfare than he is in keeping your friendship.

Here is a letter to a person who is caught in the past of parental abuse.. i.e. “You are a nothing and always will be!!! This person is stretching out his life between perfection (so I will be OK..perfection is impossible) and seeking pure heart. (becoming more pleasing to God…God is already pleased you have sought Him)
You will never be perfect (a measurement) but you can develop a pure heart (being filled every day).
However, testifying to your parents failure will not help you grow. When you are still seeking perfection not a pure heart you will not succeed. It is the purity in your heart that discusses you with your self-control issues. Self-control is a diligent walk with God, learning to get up one more time than you fall.

You succeed by your determination and His strengthening. You are on the right track but the track towards change still has man hills and valleys. It is also a rough road at times, however, repentance and faith grease the wheels of hope.
Your Heavenly Father made you just like He wanted, in order for you to do something in the world that only you are equipped to do.
You do not have the spine of a "jellyfish" what you have is a heart for God which gives you the backbone of a believer.
You real problem is that you need to learn to love yourself; and allow other to love you as well. In Christ you are more than worth of all the love He and others send your way. You will have issues with receiving His love and the love of others until you learn to love yourself, not for what you were, but for who you are becoming in Christ Jesus. Jesus commanded us “to love your neighbor as we love yourselves“. If you do not love yourself your neighbor doesn’t have much to look forward to!
Quit beating yourself up and start praising God for the victory His is and will be giving you in the days to come!

Value is contributing to someone else’ needs.

Prejudice is requiring someone else, to verify your wants.

All spiritual progress is a result of Faith; either yours or someone else!

Leaders manage staff, while staff manage people.

If you are blowing your own horn, few will enjoy the tune.

Friday, August 12, 2011

 It is impossibly difficult, to be perfect, but purity is within your grasp.

As you more toward the Heart of God, the impurities are discarded.

The Heart of God warms your soul, to embrace what is right and pure.

The joy of finding yourself choosing to seek right, think right, and ultimately to do right is personally, delicious.

The proximity of God in your life, distances the proximity of evil.

Forgiveness is the beginning of a pure heart.

Even a good heart needs to be pure.

The purer your heart the purer your faith.

He closer you are to Jesus, the more you believe, He can do what He says He will do!

A pure heart brings fresh hope.

The further I move from Christ, the more hope-less my situation becomes!

Contentment is a virtue of a pure heart.

The faith to more on; comes from faith in the beyond.

What we cannot control, controls us.

God is in charge of everything or Satan is reaching his dirty hand into your soul.

What you believe you will receive!

You grow when you are out of doubt.

Discontent is the bait of temptation.

The biggest looser is the keeper!

Prayer is a shared journey with God.

Live so you never have to fear what you are leaving behind.

The greatest gift has already been given!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is your devotion to God is noticeable and meaning for you; your family, and the people who walk in and out of your life each day?  How can folks around you, know your are ether with God or in tune with God? Does your life in any way, even let others know if you are interested in God’s presence in your life.

Once I have established that I can be a, “noticed for Christ”. How can I also provide an atmosphere where other feel my commitment and are in someway, challenged by my faith; rather than overwhelm by it.

Whenever, I chose to do wrong I am choosing to hurt the ones I love the most. There are no private sins; family and other loved ones are hurt by the energy I take away by allowing that sin or the damage the private sin does to me that I cannot see.
Every step I take away from God leads me into greater darkness and into a deeper addiction.. You never fail or your never fall, alone, there are always consequences.

Cling to the Father; cling to what you really want to be. Live like you would want to be remembered; not in a way that ought to be forgotten.

Chose who you would server today, and each and every day. You will serve someone; either; God who loves you or Satan, whose very purpose in the universe is to destroy you and every person your life touches!.

Everyone has a choice to make, every single day they have breath, whether to do what is right or to yield to their weaknesses.

There are no inconsequential sins or no inconsequential acts of righteousness.

You are to prepare; to be prepared.

Loving your enemy is not easy for you or the enemy.

Prejudice is willing ignorance.

Whatever you allow, you will soon demand!

Control is the greed of marriage.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Whatever I did without Jesus will haunt me in the future.

Admiration is appreciation but love is Divine.

Is Jesus your GPS?

For Christians there is only, "the shadow of death".

The character of God seeks you; while he character of man is to resist God.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Christianity is not, “God, I’ll get back to you later “ relationship!
Imagination is the advent of possibilities.

Feeling are altered by what you do and what you are thinking.

You cannot buy your way to God , He has already paid for you!

The more I know; the more I don’t know!

Monday, August 08, 2011

Gratitude brings attitude.

If you like your life keep doing what you doing; if you want change then remember Faith + Faith = Change.

All good change comes for the Lord.

Knowing better is rarely the final factor in doing better.

Each brother and sister has a gift, that the church needs to help them dream to reality.

Discipline requires determination to succeed.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Thinking about good will fill your life; full up.

Thinking about evil will fill your life, as well if, you allow it.

The weight of this world will not move you unless you are in the wrong place.

Thoughts are your windows into you spiritual growth; what are you thinking about?

Christian must use spiritual wisdom to determine between listening and gossip.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

When smart people in the world conflict with God, they are always wrong.

God's Word is wiser than a legion of wise men.

God already know, before you meet a temptation, how you can escape; but you still must learn it as well.

If God did gave you your way; you might, be happy for as moment and sad for an eternity

If you look back and don’t see Jesus; you have failed the test for an abundant life.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Understanding is realizing how a truth has been applied to someone else’s life.

Becoming a disciple is more meaningful, to your influence, in this world.

Grace brings joy to discipleship.

You lead the willing but you must drive the unwilling. How must God treat you?

The essence of marriage is purposeful belonging.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

God is in charge!

God is not like a spouse who you might understand; His are past our ways.

I go through stuff He did not plan for me but know I would have to deal with anyway.

He is aware of my challenges and has planned for our best, regardless of the circumstance.

God does not cause all things, but He is in charge of giving us the grace and the strength to endure whatever is coming our way.

 He is also designing way for us to benefit from the experience in some manor..

We live in a world that is hindered and distressed by sin; so God does not always get His way, because He gave you, me, and others a free will.

When other exercise their “free will” we can be negatively affected but God is there to care for us.

Just because all things work together for those who love God; does not mean that some of these “all things” are not welcome in our life.

However, neither do we need fear them.

God is better, that I can imagine, and I am worse than, I am willing to admit, but He loves me, and I am trying mind around that fact.

In order to learn how to love God more, it requires me to make an effort to understand myself.

I heard a atheist speak yesterday and she was so happy that there was nothing to look forward to in the next life….
Am I missing something here?

God’s love endures forever, because there is a forever!

Jesus said. “I go to the Father that where I am you may be also” ….
I bet you that is somewhere!!!

More folks should be concerned about getting on course than competing the course.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Feeling like giving up?

When giving up feel closer that anywhere else; go somewhere else!

To a great degree your friends mold your determination; find good ones.

It is better to be alone that in bad company!

Of course, a Christian can never be truly alone.

What you believe directs what you do. So, Think right and do right!

Keep the garden of your heart clean; weeds bear no fruit.

Temptation is a process of feeding your weaknesses.

Forgiving yourself teaches you how to forgive others.

Forgiveness plugs the leaks of bitterness, which leads to despair.

Pride is prejudices’ best friend.

Marriage contains the foundations of happiness on which to build a family.

The success of marriage provides a shelter for all involved it is pout of a happily committed marriage that children prosper.

Patients builds marriages, cooperation prospers marriages, diligence to one another seals marriages and the Love of God enriches and protects what neither can by themselves.

Becoming a decompile of Jesus, requires more than just salvation.

One chooses to be a disciple not to escape from sin, but to become Godly!.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Old Testament reminds us  by the statement ”Why changeth thy thou ways in order to seek love?"

Pride is one of the biggest “game changers” in life.

Pride leads more to shame than fame.

The more you love yourself the less you love others.

Pride causes the imbalance between want and desire.

Whatever you love more than God; God hates.

The child of pride is selfishness. 

A Christian had much more right to thankfulness than pride.

One must hold a funeral for humility in order to crown pride.

The trouble with climbing the latter of success, is that too often we forget,
 we needed to step on someone else’s shoulders to move up.

Pride in others is more tolerable, than self-indulgence.

You can only do what you do, because of what someone else has done.

It is only through the Grace of God that you even get another breath.

If you are on top, look down, to see who is helping you.

It is the helping hand that is ultimately honored.

To be better than someone else is vanity; but to be better than you were is victory!

The vision you have for your life in not nearly as important as your relationship with God.

The smallest idol can bring devastation to your life.

When God is enough; you have enough!

The more you enjoy God the more you can enjoy everything else.

Every day is consumed with Hope; when God is enough in your life.

Today, is my best son-in-laws birthday may it be blessed, Brian!

Monday, August 01, 2011

If you have seen me you have seen the Father for He and I are one!

Knowing the Father comes from knowing the Son and the Holy Spirit is the communication system from you to Them.

The more you love the Father, the more you find how much He loves you..

The closer you are to Jesus, the harsher sin feels to you.

It is the presence of the Holy Spirit who enables you to do what you ought to do rather than what you want.

The Holy Spirit is the part of God, that resides in your heart, to lead you away from sin and into happiness. Happiness is a result of loving and pressing towards the Will of God for your life.

The more you love God the more you can love others.

If you honor His Son, Jesus, the Father will bless you. It is just that simple.

It is impossible to explain the Trinity but it is sort of like family. When you marry the spouse, their family becomes your family. However, in this case the Family, welcomes you with open arms. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, thoroughly and specifically love you more than you could ever love Them in return.

It is the Holy Spirit that leads you to the Heart of God.

You discover God-one prayer at a time.

You learn about the Father, as you recognize His presence in the blessings that cross your lives, each and everyday. You also, absorb His love when you have asked for the Father’s specific help and you receive it, from His Hand.

The Hand of the Father carries you, the Blood of the Son cleanses you, and the Holy Spirit leads you-into all righteousness.

The hope of the hopeless is predictable.

Befriend your enemies; it befuddles them!

Trade in your gift for gab, for the gift of understanding.

Talent is a gift, that has been attended to with diligence.

Deception, only out performs diligence, in the short run.

A friend, is someone who accepts your faults, but won’t allow you to!