A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Whatever you allow to come between you and God is completely wrong.
Desire brings less happiness, than enjoying what you already have.
Our present world has a serious problem discerning between wants and needs.
Invest in tithing for the surest return.
Most of the time you will benefit more from putting effort into the relationship you have, instead of abandoning it for a different one.
Determined fools chase what they cannot have.
Anger is a violent “pity party”.
You can never earn what you truly need; it must be given to you by God.

Monday, December 30, 2013

You do right when you choose to do so.
Is it easier to do wrong with apologies; than it is to do right with hard work?
Dread is pre-grief.
Be wary of religious and denominational worship; cling to your personal prayer and praise of Jesus.
Look on the throne of your life; if you do not see Jesus, you have failed the test for an abundant life.
Faith validates wisdom.
Tithing is a guaranteed blessing.
Joy is a direct result of God’s perseverance in your life.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Heaven is for the aggressive believer, not for the casual observer.
God already know your temptations but you must learn them as well.
Never love “being a Christian” more than you love Christ.
Believe your Faith before you believe what you think you see.
Salvation imparts to you God’s DNA.
The experience of salvation is never more important than the Salvation received.
Opinions, deception, and urgencies, will always chase after your Faith.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

If God did things your way, you would be even more unhappy than you are now.
The obstacles you encounter are great opportunities to develop your friendship with God.
Never love the blessing more than the One who gives it.
Greed handicaps every good deed in your life.
What will your fortune here be worth in Heaven?
The Bible knows better than legions of wise men.
There will be more people surprised they didn’t get into Heaven, than will be those who get there.

Friday, December 27, 2013

It is Christmas Eve and all through your house, your family is blessed not only in in some ways; but in most ways. It is the time of year when children dream with expectation and parents wonder if they have done enough or a least the best they can. It is a time for presents to one another yet knowing the great best gift was Christ Himself. It is the time of year where families tolerate one another and often learn the value in family members they have not seen in a long while.
You were a gift from God for your generation and your children to you for theirs. It is the time of shared happiness and shared memories cherished even begrudgingly at times. Christmas Eve is the fulfillment of God’s promise of a Savior for our world. Some do not believe but all recognize the “specialness” of this day. Chance, has little to do with our lives. It would be like a twister blowing through a junk yard and leaving behind a laser printer… or a tornado blowing through an aluminum mine and then an iron mind and leaving a Jumbo 747 jet behind with a Mercedes in the cargo bay.
No, it is not chance world we live in; it was planned for you, for your success, and for you to be blessed. Now the choice is up to you. The Christ child brings you that special opportunity to see God as a friend and a Father rather than as judge and jury of your earthy journey. 
The choice for your Happiness is at your grasp and joy unspeakable lies in a manger awaiting your knee to bow down as the wise men of world did with happiness and joy.
Merry Christmas you and to all of your world.
Richard and Carol Klein and Moose :):)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Heart peace is what you feel when you allow God to enter your life daily.
It is not who you are that makes you what you can be, it is who God is that does that.
The best of Heaven died for the worst of earth.
Make demands of yourself or others will.
Bearing what you cannot forgive is a burden of shame.
Satan wants you to become your own god...even though that did not work out well for him.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

It is easier for a tender heart to give tough love; than it is for a hard heart to give forgiving love.
If you need evidence of your blessings, look in the mirror.
Prayer will move you from your knees to your workshop.
Judging others adds to your shame.
Authentic Christians are obvious.
The target of every Christian’s life is the “Center of God’s Will.
Christmas is all about sharing the Love of God with someone who doesn’t think they deserve it.
Christmas is the “Birth of Forgiveness”.

Sometimes saying nothing; says it all.

Friday, December 20, 2013

If you have become a copy of another, you have lost your uniqueness and your mission.
The love of God surrounds you but its revelation is up to you.
There is no “duplicate faith”; it is all unique to each of us but it all points out Jesus.
Success covers the evidence of your failures.
Moments are the sheets of life on which memories are carefully written.
Walking by Faith…is never stumbling in the dark.
Solitude is more than sophisticated loneliness.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jesus said that He is the only way to Heaven, so that you would not waste your time looking for another one.
The church is a “green house” that can tame the wildest of weeds.
If you think you understand the Love of Jesus; then you know you don’t know.
The realms of Grace is sparsely populated...by the choice of many...but not by God.
It was the Blood of Jesus that adopted you into the Love of God.
You are the “only one of your kind,” so keep on target.
Only a Christian can truly be themselves!
I have to begin where I am to become what I can be.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kindness is the ever bearing fruit of love.
Hostility is the natural reaction to an unwelcome truth.
Your allegiance becomes your reason.
Satan spends his time trying to confuse the faithful with spiritual trivia.
Darkness is never grater than the light; but your willingness to remain blind is!
There is no feelings of loss greater than the pains that comes from thinking you are unforgivable.
Jesus is the only meaningful barrier between you and the evil that prospers in the hearts of men.
Negativism is doubt at work.
There is no hurt like the wound of not being forgiven.
You will never know, here on earth, the extent of the gift you gave without recognition.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

I may not have forgotten the sins of my past but God has; I may not have forgotten your sins of the past but God can; if you let Him.
Every sacrifice you make for God makes a difference.
You are known as much for your reactions, as you for your actions.
Your life is a portrait of your Faith.
Jesus “worthed” you!
As a Christian, your Faith becomes your reason; even when it seems unreasonable.
There is no pain, like the pain of a heart, that will not forgive.
Any fool can tear down a life but it takes a wise man will build one up.

Darkness is not greater than light; but your willingness to reason with it makes it seem so.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A follower of Jesus is not just a believer but is a doer who loves God with all of their heart.
You are not saved by good works but as a Christian you have a “will” do to good works, if you are ‘saved“.
If you have no fruit, from being a Christian, you probably are not one.
The less you love God, the less you worship Him, the less you spend time in prayer with Him.
If you don’t plan time to be with God each day, you won’t have the time.
Plan your time or life will take your time.
If you do not apply the Bible to your life, you are going to be bumped, bruised , battered, and beaten in your life’s journey, all for the wrong reasons.
Being an enemy of God is a guaranteed loss.
Character is usually known before it is shone.
Christians are not rejectable; only directable.
The greatest truths in life are found through love.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

If you don’t plan to study the Bible, don’t plan on being successful in your Christian life.
Whatever you fill your mind with is what fills your life.
We tend to show “G” rated movies to our kids; while we send them to” R” rated schools, filled with adult rated behaviors.
Many churches are full of noises instead of praises.
The Bible is a hymn, about Him.
The Holy Spirit, with  the Bible, will help you grow up; the Bible without the Holy Spirit can cause you to dry up.
Some folks are so dry that they cause a dust storm at whatever church they attend.
Jesus did not come to set up a religion but to give you a new heart.
Everything is life and everything that you leave behind is terminal, except the Love of God.
If you can’t believe something, that is one thing; if you won’t believe something, that is quite another.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God always answers prayer whether you know about it or not.
God, chooses to use the “willing”, more often, than the “able.”
What you complain about tells others what you care about; how you complain tells others; Who you care about.
Just because you agree with someone doesn’t mean that you both can’t be wrong.
Sometimes you suffer because the disobedience of others…sometimes because of your own.
A caring, compassionate, church is a stumbling block to the world.
In order to justify what is wrong, one must ignore what is right.
Worship allows you get “up front and personal” with God…as does prayer…try both.
Learn to live life with a rear view mirror, to see, if you are helping or hindering those who are following behind you.
One of these days, I will feel the nail prints in The Hand of Jesus, not out of doubt but with  thanksgiving….He did it for you and for me.
In order to get the best from the one you love you have to take all of them and go from there.
Hard work is the only want to get “to the top” unless, your family owns the company.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The normal reaction to temptation is: can I get away with it, not Father, deliver me from evil.
The problem with “doing you own thing” is that it is often “a wrong thing.”
Sinners are willing to harm their own selves and the others around them in order to continue in their favored sin.
Today people are ready to accept “moderate sin,” as just being in the  minority…and after a while it becomes the majority.
Sin divides while it multiplies.
People learn to love their own ignorance, because it allows them “to do their own things.”
With God, there is no negotiated peace, only absolute surrender.
Live like you are the pastor, and die like you are a saint.
Men have so much knowledge and so little sense.
He who boasts in himself looses the most. He who boasts in God gains the most.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Your Faith in God is the only Faith that matters.
Faith is the soil where you grow your life in Christ.
Faith in the wrong things brings the wrong crops.
Faith without prayer is just a wish.
Faith is the conduit of Grace to yourself and others about you.
God has made it possible for you to believe but it is still your choice.
Faith without commitment brings confusion and disappointment.
Faith is a determined decision, not a hopeful guess.
Faith travels freely where fear trembles to go.
Faith is the ultimate cure for loneliness.
God increases your Faith according to the darkness you must endure.
Faith is one of the pillars of true happiness.
It is the nature of Faith to embrace Hope.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

You cannot fax a prayer; you will have to talk with God, yourself.
Hope endures forever; it is Joy that makes the trip so special.
Helping someone else on their journey makes yours so much better.
If your religion does not affect your marriage you have the wrong religion.
The price of discipleship is to love your enemies.
You may belong to a denomination but you are only saved by Grace.
Grace allows you to live with a deep abiding love.
You are not only saved by Grace, but grow in Grace, and it is with Grace you can leave this world gracefully.
Without the Holy Spirit, whatever you do is of no lasting value, whatsoever.
The Gospel never fails but its proponents can.
A “good” sinner is still lost, and even the “best” sinner will never see Heaven.
A peacemaker, sees God’s potential, in hostile people.
Politicians want to do what they think is best for others; and it to be taken out of your wallets.
An election is when we choose which person will rob us next.
Political power soon becomes intoxicating and addicted to greed.
God hears before you prayed but He still listens while you pray.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Yes “times have changed” but immorality has not…it is still immorality.
Being lead a stray is sad and bad; leading someone astray is a personal moral tragedy.
Character is far more than your public persona; it is contains what only you know you are.
Today, folks are willing to tolerate moderate sins; tomorrow, all sin will be welcomed.
Never be careful about giving thanks to God; it is always appropriate; always necessary.
If you are a Christian and your not growing in your Faith, something is wrong; terribly wrong.
Love feeds loving.
Even though natural man cannot know God;  God still put a hunger in the heart of natural man to seek Him.
While we cannot live in a peaceful world, we can live with a peaceful heart.
Do not act like other Christians; act like Jesus.
I use to think that God’s plan was to do things my way and others would catch on as they did what I was doing…wrong again.
The lonely are here the longest no matter how long they live.
Always be confident in God’s ability to help you in any circumstance.
Your life is not a “dress rehearsal”; it is your life.
I am optimistic that the pessimist are wrong.
Christian, if you are worrying about anything, you are worrying about the wrong thing.
Sometimes you can erase your mistakes, but you cannot erase the consequences.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The only regret a Christian should have is that they were not a Christian earlier.
Every Christian needs to focus on being forgiven rather than on their regrets.
It is so very difficult to be thankful and regretful at he same time.
Regrets are always “catching” on some part of your life at the wrong time.
Character is what we do, on the whole, about what we think we believe.
Your children learn more from your character, well before, they learn from what you say.
A family that loves Jesus is quite wonderful and quite unusual.
Calamity is either self-inflicted or something God will  see you through.
Spiritual giants started out as spiritual midgets.
When you choose to become a Christian your life changes from that moment on.
The most memorable life is the one that did something with what God gave them.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Politicians are far more concerned with the separation of church and state; than they are the separation of sin from hearts.
The best way to learn how to pray is to pray.
Live your life with joy today or pray until you can!
A wise man, who does what he knows, is his own blessing.
Wisdom often comes from the ashes of failure.
If you don’t know Jesus you don’t know nothing.
Humility is understanding that you had more help that others realize.
Conditional love is a misnomer.
Fear is a bad compass.
Ultimately, success is not what you do but who you are!
Faithless prayer is just mumbling.
The more you learn the less you toil.
Constructive people build up others first.
If you are married to a no-account try to make them count.
Marriage is one way God can make two better than one.
Missionaries are God’s gift to the church, for the unbelievers they are praying for.
Every Christian is a missionary to someone.
You are here on earth to glorify Jesus; everything else you do is because of that.
Humility is knowing that you are far more blessed than you could ever deserve.
A” pool of ignorance” is easily evangelized.
When the willing to work, feed the unwilling to work; it is not charity it is thievery dependency.
When the unwilling to work; demand that the willing to work feed them; it is not charity it is thievery.
The lack of love will always limit you in every possible way.
The more you judge the more you will be judged.

A  prayer to accept Jesus, but does not change my life, is just a conversation not a conversion.
If your Christianity does not affect your business and your marriage it is useless.
Your physical growth is limited by your genetic code but your spiritual growth is only limited by your choices.
Your first thought each day should be, “How good God is.”
No Christian is ever “just on his own”…Jesus is always with him.
Learn to  study the Bible, even when you don’t want to, until you do want to!
Your spiritual growth should never be based on someone else’s spiritual growth.
Grace gives you strength to do what you should instead to doing what you would.
Godly character feels the law before it knows the law.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Discipline makes your talent useful.
You cannot be faithful to anything meaningful, without love.
The only truths most folks love are the ones that they think might benefit them.
When a sinner comes to Jesus his sins are forgiven but not the consequences…(so sin carefully).
Your “Joy in Jesus” makes for a journey of amazing surprises.
Many people talk about God; very few talk with Him.
If you are not growing in Grace you are stewing in doubt.
If a sin every satisfies you; you know a truth has be sacrificed.
The mission of a missionary is to deliver the truth to those who will find it in no other way.
Every Christian is a missionary, whether they want to be or not; they are and must be a missionary on their mission.