A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sin always hurts someone ...the sinner the most in the end.
The sinners deserves the consequences of their sins but what about those they injured by their sins?
God will never tempt you to do wrong so never be confused about that impossibility.
James, the brother of Jesus, tells us “I write these things unto you so that you sin not”! So yes, you do have a choice.
Sin is the slave of want and the enemy of contentment.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Prayer can bring unbelievable comfort to your soul.
Whatever portion of your life that is not on fire for Jesus, is the beginning of darkness for those who see it.
God has a heart for your heart.
Don’t go to church to become comfortable; the more comfortable you become in church the less useful you will be!
The less connected to the Church you are the more critical you become!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Be careful about what you are careless about.
Sin is never a mistake it is always a choice.
For a Christian there is no “Oops, I sinned moment", you choose to sin.
When is seems wrong it is wrong.
May God’s presence in your life, enlarge and enlighten every crevasse and corner of your day!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Failure is not always about doing the wrong thing, but can involve doing the right thing in the wrong way.
Love gives when it has a right to take and only takes when given.
The need for salvation put in Adam’s place; receiving salvation puts you into the loving Hand of God, Himself.
Temptation cannot be sin; Jesus was tempted in all ways and never failed.
When we pretend that our sins are not sins, we lie to ourselves and teach other to do the same.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Complaining messes up your life and then discourages others.
When is the last time you “Shared a Prayer” with God?
Happiness stalks the righteous.
Sin is your way of questioning God.
Holiness is learning to accept God’s choice as to what is true.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Love makes room for those who do not deserve it.
Love plants hope in the garden of the hopeless.
Management is goal orientated while leadership is visionary.
Sin may taste good for the moment but it will sour the soul.
Success occurs when management and leadership are woven together.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jesus paid for your sins but not so you could do more of them.
Sanctification is God’s mercy being applied to your life, driven by His compassion towards you continually.
Every time you resist temptation you bring honor to God.
Bitterness finds a way to continually poison and new happiness that might creep into your life.
When you are bitter you never get better until you let go of your bitterness.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

All of my eternal potential rest in Christ.
Sales is developing customized dreams for others.
The world is consumed with what is absent in their lives instead of what is present.
God is better than your faith says He is.
There is no right to do wrong.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wisdom always ends up doing right or it is not wisdom.
Mangers merge people; leader merge ideas.
“Normal” means adequate you were never designed to be “normal”.
Words are sieve, that leaves a residue, which we use to describe all of the good things in life: love, mercy, grace, hopes, caring, sharing and God.
If you fail to recognize your own selfness it will become a habit.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The day will come when the friends of God will have no enemies.
When we offer what we are to God then we can be what we ought to be.
Your life repeats what you believe.
"Judgment Day "will be the ultimate “reality” show.
I give what I can, to get what I can’t.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Worship is empting yourself of you and allowing God to fill that void.
You tend to repeat what you believe in over and over again; check out you beliefs if you do not like the results!
Honor what is honorable not what is popular.
The world becomes consumed with it doesn’t have, creating s constant state of discontentment.
Prayers are the perfume of Heaven.. is anyone noticing your fragrance?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Holiness is a journey towards completion.
What I doing explains what I am saying.
If you fix your life it will sill be broken; if God fixes your life you will be fixed indeed!
How different are than you were before you met Jesus?
The length of your service is less meaningful than the breath of your service.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Forgetting has become my professional hobby.
Endurance is more difficult than perseverance.
Forgiving the offender frees you but not them.
The onset of sadness begins when one knowingly reject God.
It is easier to harm and hinder than it is to help and heal.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Love tends to heal itself as well as others.
Be most thankful for the blessing you know nothing about or coud do nothing about.
The further you are from hope, the less you can see, the less you can feel, the less you can believe..
If you are a blessing to others you have been blessed.
The pieces of new ideas are sown by those small ideas in your past.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Love involves emotions, feelings. and faith; couched in commitment, resting on a foundation, that is anchored in integrity.
The value of a man is not in who he is, or what he does, but in how much he allows God to do through him.
The more you have of God the more you will be who you are designed to be.
Delayed gratification most often brings the best gratification.
Stealing from tomorrow to fund today leads to a bankrupt future.
Never be tolerant of the intolerable!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

In order to pierce the darkness around you, you need to build a fire within you, and then purposely open the windows of your life.
Christians are no longer “rejectable”; however, they are faithful, useful, hopeful, purposeful, and "directable"!
I need to be sure what I meant to say was said, need to be said, was understood as said, and was said in love.
Wisdom is saying more with less, most folks say less with more.
Don’t bury a new day in a tomb of the past.
Our grandson, Ben, is out of the hospital but still recovering at home... thanks to all of you for your prayers and concerns. He still has a ways to go but he is on the healing path.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I ask you neither for health nor for sickness, for life nor for death; but that you may dispose of my health and my sickness, my life and my death, for your glory...You alone know what is expedient for me; you are the sovereign master, do with me according to your will. Give to me, or take away from me, only conform my will to yours. I know but one thing, Lord, that it is good to follow you, and bad to offend you. Apart from that, I know not what is good or bad in anything. I know not which is most profitable to me, health or sickness, wealth or poverty, nor anything else in the world. That discernment is beyond the power of men or angels, and is hidden among the secrets of your providence, which I adore, but do not seek to fathom.

Blaise Pascal

Marriage is not a random act of kindness but a lifetime of commitment.
Love is not a possession but a share resource or a selfish keepsake.
Shared love can only prosper in the soil of mutual commitment.
The more you love someone the more you will behave like you do!
Devine love does not take into consideration your response to Him; it only reflects His response to you!

Monday, July 09, 2012

Don’t do what feels right unless it is right!
Grace is a gift that costs more than you can comprehend.
Principles should change for the better never for the worst.
Ideas are fluid while principles are like giant Oak tress carefully planted and not easily moved.
If principles do not grow and change as you learn and experience life and Faith, they are more like barriers than foundations.

Please remember my grandson , Ben Dummann, in prayer, he is extremely ill in Children’s Hospital in St Louis He has pneumonia and had broken out in hives as a reaction to the medication.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

God not only wants you to receive His love but He wants you to share His love with others.
Never “rush to be normal” instead be quick to be yourself.
Hope is less painful than doubt.
It is not “what is in the cards for you" that means anything; it is what does God have for you to do today, that matters.
Doing right is a greater task than just choosing not to do wrong.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

The best way to begin anew is to leave behind all of the bad and never pick one piece of it up again.
While healing is all for the Lord, often the pain lingers in us, here below.
Pain is a blessing in protecting us from injury and a curse when we try to recover from one.
Being loved is one of very best pain killers.
One of our most difficult battles is when faith and pain claim the same space in our bodies.
Religion is no substitute for Faith.
Please pray for my nephew, Frankie Tabone, who was hit by a car while the driver was texting. He will have leg surgery Monday.

Friday, July 06, 2012

If your life is full of emptiness you trying to fill it with the wrong stuff.
Doing wrong only seems right if you want to continue to do that wrong.
Live like your children are watching your every move…………they are!
Committed forgiveness means that you will behave like you have forgiven.
Feeling never alter truth.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Celebrate your spiritual freedom more than your physical freedom but remember, both are special blessing from Above.
As I enjoyed the fireworks for the Fourth of July praising the freedom of our country, I think about the moment the Disciples realized that Jesus had risen from the dead, to give us our spiritual freedom in Him. What fireworks that must have caused in their souls!
Remember forward the Love of God headed your way, as much as, you recall the blessing of His love from the past.
Your inner universe is what influences the outer universe about you.
Praise, like encouragement, leaves no scars.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

You can only lose what you are unwilling to give.
Faith, is a gift from God, that grows in your heart, and bears fruit at your bidding.
You cannot get a piece of peace until you have given piece of your place that welcomes peace.
While faith endured forever wants tend to die on the vine.
Never accept less than God has promised, He promised what He wants you to have!