A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

If you don't to learn how to enjoy (be happy) what we have; how will having more make us happier?
Thankfulness is the soil of happiness.
Energy will be spent today one way or another what will the results be?
To do nothing with a perfectly wonderful day is the ultimate sin.
Only start what you are prepared to finished.

A mile in someone else's shoes is worth a year in college.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The “love of God” surrounds us all always but you need to know Him to access the best of it.
One day of hope exceeds all of the value of a lifetime of hopelessness.
The Bible has spoken: it is up to us to keep up with the knowledge it contains.
Respect is the root of love and commitment is its flower.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We change, life changes, but God never changes.
Our love for God grows as we learn more about Him but His love for us was perfect and complete from the beginning.
Men celebrate their independence, while Christians celebrate their total dependence on Jesus.
If you have more time, talent, or money than you need ask God how you should use these resources.
Never settle for being an “Under Christian" by under loving, under serving, under giving, or under praising, Jesus.

Monday, June 25, 2012

We are headed south to Tennessee today...a sad but blessed time.
Life is better when you are good and doing good.
Holiness takes time but pays best..."Take time to be holy."
Holiness is a process of growing in Grace and allowing Grace to grow in you.
Fear corrodes hope.
Prayer is a “life tune up”.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Peace is more elusive than chaos to the unbeliever.
Christians can only impose love and good works on non-Christians.
True wealth is what you give not what you keep.
Pursue your lost friends and family with fervent prayers and unswerving faith!
Your purpose in life (revealing Jesus and His Father) never changes, only our perceptions on how to accomplish this changes

Friday, June 22, 2012

Planning revenge against another takes away from the time you could be spending planting possibilities in your own life.
Hatred drains hope.
Hatred, gossip, and revenge are the ingredients in bitterness, which destroys your life while poisoning those you have recruited in the process
The mountains we saw, mirrored in the lakes of Jasper, yesterday, reflect the love and power of our Father God.
The love of God, is all consuming, towards His creation.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A mistake is not a sin and a sin in not a mistake.
Hope ignores doubt.
A friend is someone who handles your heart with care.
Never doubt what God has already promised.
A Christian is more than a friend of God he has been adopted into the Father’s family

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Banff Park in Canada is so overwhelming that it would make an atheist nervous about the possibility of God.
If Christians are to love one another and love their enemies who should they not love?
Misunderstandings often provide missed opportunities to access or extend Grace.
Faith is the foundation for your soul to worship the Father.
You can choose what needs you want to see around you, but you cannot choose what others see that you choose to miss.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Anger stresses the soul and hatred poisons it.
The consequence of sin are completely avoidable…don’t sin!
Faith is the fuel that warms your soul so keep a good supply handy.
The closer you are to God the sweeter His voice becomes.
Forgiveness means, you will allow God to deal with the perpetrator, while you go on living your life.
We will be in Canada for a few days so no likely post until our return Friday of this week.

Monday, June 18, 2012

There are no “acceptable sins”…none!
All sins have consequences and none of them are acceptable.
The love of God is the only shelter for every storm.
You cannot bring peace until you have been given Peace
The more you have of God the less room you have for doubts and fears.
If God is not enough for you, you do not have enough of God

Truth coated in love is better than any sugar coated lie.
The truly special people in life are not looking for praise but for new ways to serve others.
A wise man never tries to dismiss a blessing as luck.
Purpose in your heart never to recover from a blessing given you!
Whenever you "get even" you fall way behind.

Teaching is an obligation but service is a gift.

Perfect fathers have no children for there are none of us.

Instead of struggling with your Faith you need to learn to snuggle up with your Savoir.

Are you bound by principles that don't matter or by truths that do?

God did not intent for you to be a manila folder...He wants you to SHINE!

If you learn to complain you will never be without a materials or followers….you will just have no friends.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

If it were not for our Heavenly Father our earthly fathers would be helpless and meaningless.  But here are some thoughts about being an earthly father.
Fathers are complicatedly simple they work hard and they love much.
Even when you have lost your father he is still with you.
A good father imprints the lives of his children…unfortunately so do bad fathers.
Most fathers are better than they are given credit for.
A father’s love is a magnet to his daughters and challenge to his sons.
Being a father is a wonderfully, impossible privilege!
Fathers are imperfect, frustrating, helpful, sacrificial, and impossible to forget or replace.
A good father is someone you carry in your heart every day of your life.
Patience is like the gold that no one wants to spend and because it is too hard to earn or lend.
Patience is more like quicksilver but is more quick than silver.
Parents are a requirement but parenting is a necessity.
Christians, God always has your back!

The best training to be a great father is to be a great husband first!
Being a father will be every bit as hard as anything else you will ever do and a million times more rewarding.
A father’s character is visited on his children.
A good father cannot treat each child the same because each child is different.
A father often shows his love differently than a mother will but he love you every bit as much.
Parents are a requirement but parenting is a necessity.
Christians, God always has your back!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fathers are the leading reason boys become men!
A good wife makes a good father even better.
Often fathers are too busy to give or receive love; such is a tragedy.
A good dad teaches his daughter to go to find a man better that him, but if he is a good father, often she can’t.
A loving family makes a father work harder, as he is being paid twice as much as others.

Best wished to my grand Niece Emma Gladman on her wedding day to Jordan Paynter

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fathers are not for a day but for a lifetime!
A good life ripens the soul and bad one spoils the soul it possesses.
Forgiveness is not a license to do as you please but does give you an opportunity to live as you should.
Arrogance means: either that I don’t know who God is... or I don’t know who I am.
Often, we condemn behaviors in others, which when we do the same things, we try to explain away.
The lost will give you the same advice that Satan would.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Prudence is the process of thinking before doing and then doing with purpose.
Christians do not have a “daily grind” they have a "daily ministry".

Grace heals and grows at the same time.
Grace multiplies when given while enriching the giver at the same time.

Only the ignorant can count all of their blessings.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Every successful hope is a miracle in its own.
Worry magnifies misery.
Faith baptizes hope in prayer.
Faith gives more than it can afford while gaining more than it could have earned.
The greater the faith the harder one will work to achieve it.

Monday, June 11, 2012

In order to truly know yourself you must know Jesus.
A person who only “does his own thing” is well acquainted with loneliness.
Your inner compass only works when you are in touch with the Upper Compass.

If you are a sinner, God is “in your face”...If you are a Christian, God is “in your heart”
Live “above ground” so that when you are “below Ground” things won’t be too hot.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Time leaves only a gaping wound…only love heals.
When I find love I realize it was never lost only left dormant in someone’s life.
Marriage is when we share life with one breath.
A compromise of love is more of a gift than a sacrifice.
All Christians are really “Blood relatives”.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Here is the scoop on life, “God wins and Satan loses big time.”
Sin is never sweet; it always leaves some active bitterness behind.
Love, even though injured, still strives to reach beyond its borders.
Bitterness corrodes love into hatred.
Your light is needed in some churches; don’t neglect your obligatory privilege.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Realizing the goodness of God is almost as difficult as understanding why He is like that.
Counting your blessing will modify your complaining.
Your ceaseless praise should never stop.
Shame and sin are Satan's twins.
Wisdom is a blending of knowledge and understanding with experience and faith

Thursday, June 07, 2012

You were not born to win or lose; you were born to be yourself, living in the hand of God… if you’re not you've missed it!
The miseries of bitterness can only increases with time.
Rule your weaknesses with an iron hand and others with a feathered one.

Marriage and life are full of compromises and negotiations but truth is subject to neither.
A Christian may never have all he wants but will always have all he needs.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The flower of marriage is love, the fruit of marriage, is happiness the glue of marriage is commitment but the power of marriage is God.
Marriage is where earning becomes sharing.
Marriage is a gift that a man and woman give to one another which mulitiplies their blessings
What I want from marriage can only be found in marriage.
A good marriage always brings more than it takes away.
Marriage is where we believe more in each other than what happens to us or around us.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Knowing God is much better than knowing about God.
Integrity is not a style it is a commitment.
Ignorance and stupidity should be treated differently.
Management is the organization of people; leadership is the organization of ideas.
Test the winds but do set the sales!
Being responsible you responsibility.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Far too many of the potholes on the road of life are of our own diggings.
Self-discipline comes from self- responsibility.
God never causes you to fail but will offer to pick you up when you do!
He biggest wrong in life is not getting right with God.
Temptation, simply put, means Satan wants to steal something from you or misuse something that God has given you.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Never confuse feelings with needs or wants with necessities.
A germ of truth cannot be overcome by fields of lies.
For Christians, fear is just an unnecessary habit that needs to be cast aside.
A loose tongue is the weapon of choice for gossipers.
Doing right requires more than not doing wrong.
Just because I can get by with less does not mean, I should.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

It takes just as much time to hope as it does to despair.
Both hope and despair are contagious.
Hope encourages your friends despair never will.
Hope opens your eyes despair blinds you.
Desperate hope is much better than hopeless despair.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Thank God first when you calculate your blessings. So many people do not even know they are blessed and if they do they have no clue who to thank.
“Breaking news” usually comes when you are praying.
God never does less that He promises so live accordingly.
Being sad for what you do not have is never as profitable as being thankful for what you do have.

Your happiness is a choice for you but is also a gift to someone else.