A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter the tomb is empty so your heart can be full.
Easter is what makes Christianity different from all other religions...it is the only one headed by a resurrected Lord.
Evil fears not Mohamed, Buddha or Confusions, but a living Jesus, now that shakes Satan to the core.
For the early Christians, it took less faith and more courage to serve Jesus.
Easter morning believers seemed more concerned that Jesus’ body had been stolen that excited that He had risen.
Too often the church of today are more concerned that someone left the church; than excited that some one new wants to come.
Without Easter morning’s resurrection, the Cross, would have been just another sad story.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

It is amazing to comprehend that God’s love endured the death of His own Son….for me…for you...for all mankind…that is some serious Love.
Sad Saturday must have been a hard time to be a believer.
What profound loneliness the decuples must have felt, those many year ago, while Jesus was still in the tomb.
It is one thing to believe that Jesus would rise from the dead but quite another to expect Him to!
It is hard today for believers to expect what they believe.
Do you believe that God will answer your prayers or do you expect Him to?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Forgiveness heals the forgiver more than the forgiven.
Love continues to love because it need to do so to survive.
Peace is not a health issue but an issue of the soul.

All men die, some while their hearts is still beating.
Lies complicate the progress of truth, but never stop truth.

Forgiveness is something you can only give before you die.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Live so you know why…don’t just let life pass you by.
Skills, are “talent possibilities“, covered in sweat.
Being too careful allows you to escape the scars of victory.
Compassion is completed, when you have hated, is the one you now love.
Christian compassion is a gift of love to those who do not deserve, are not expecting it, or just need it.
While love is the mother of compassion, compassion also gives birth to love.
Giving is a key ingredient to living.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I always thought I was better that I was, but without Grace, I could not prove it.
He said he was busy living between the lines, of what he is, and what others thought he was.
Truth destroys lies but lies mock the truth.
If, what is OK with man, is not Ok with God, then it is just not OK…anyway you say it, dress it up, or legalize it.
Failure to do right is a double failure; you knew it was right and still did not do it…which is bad wrong.
Fellowship is love circulating.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Love blends lives into one; bitterness coagulates and separates lives.
Ideas are the seed of inspiration, which bring a crop of inventions.
Never turn your back on those you love to gain things, money or praises; it is far too costly of an exchange.
Complicating your life with simplicity brings peace and comfort to your soul.
Progress that cost you your freedom is a bargain with the Devil.
Becoming old is far less of a handicap than remaining stupid.
Change is enviable, good changes are often troublesome to find.

Monday, March 25, 2013

This moment of your life is unredeemable…use it wisely and make it memorable.
The inertia of joy exceed the inertia of sandiness.
Joy can relieve your sadness or sadness will destroy your joy the choice is pretty much yours to decide.
Love gives more than it takes, build more than it terns down, praise more than it criticizes, and is unimaginably special.
A wrinkle of hope bring a crack of a smile.
The better you pray; the better your day.
If you are thoroughly in love you’re never truly together until you are married.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Love only seems extreme to those who have not been in love.
Love bypasses the difficult and head straight for the good in the one loved.
Being in love gives you courage that otherwise would go und used.
The weight one must bear by refusing to love is far greater than the risk of loving.
A kiss says to the loved one what words cannot express.
Love pays not rent for the room in your heart.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Love enjoys more that it endures.
Eyes can never behold the beauty the heart sees clearly.
Love has a flavor of its own that cannot be tasted by any other.
True love goes far beyond,” I need you”, and into thankfulness for the privilege of loving you.
Love pleases everyone…hate pleases no one.
A kiss is when the conversation stops being heard and is now felt.
Wisdom can only be understood through a heart that comprehends love.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

There is precious little done without precious little Faith.
Precious little Faith can do what grand and great egos have not even consider could be done.
A Christian has what he has because of the generosity of God and has not because he asked not by Faith.
You can lead by authority or lead by example…guess witch works the best.
The desire to be wise is a gift beyond wisdom.
Wisdom is more often observed and distilled than discovered instantaneously.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Love feels the hurt, shares the pain, and does all that it can while you are lame.
Wise is he who see the snake before he steps on it.
Welcome hope, feed your faith, and posses all that you can of God.
To hate the actions of a man is easy to define, but to truly hate a man, requires you know him well enough to love him.
Walking a mile in another man’s shoes will teach you little; only walking a mile carrying another man’s heart will teach you who he is.

Your mind remembers your hurts more than your pain.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Luck works best when watered by sweat.
Opportunities dogs the diligent.
Perseverance is often the best preparation.
Tenacity puts talent’s "best foot forward".

Love is the energy to do what needs to be done for those you need to do for.
Scraping by is still getting by…so celebrate!
The reason you cannot find yourself is because you must first build yourself.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Boundaries, allow you the freedom to live witin them, while limiting the distractions to your progress.
Marriage, Christianity, love, truth, loyalty, commitments all come with self-limiting boundaries for the betterment of those involved.
Without bounders you are free to be irresponsible.
Bounders are successes best friend.
In our society, either you set boundaries, or others will set them for you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The strength of your hope is measure by your perseverance.
The job of a Christian is to everyday, push back “the gates of evil” in there lives and the lives about them.
Leadership is finding out how others can meet their needs in your vision.
Leadership is inspiring others to work as diligently as they would if they were the leader.
Marriage is a determination to love each other that cannot be detoured.
The biggest failure in life is not to accept God’s guidance.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The price of forgiveness is tiny compared to the cost of not forgiving.
In the end you are your own judge, what you will not forgive others, will not be forgiven for you.
Everyday you will not forgive, the burden you must bear, grows heaver and heaver, for you and for those you love.
Forgiveness frees you, not the offender.
Forgiveness surrenders your right to be angry while freeing your right to be happy.
No one who refuses to forgive is ever free of bitterness.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

It is not how far I have come that will mater in the end; it will be what direction I am headed that will count.
It will not be how much money I made that will matter in the end; it will be what did I do with what I had, that will count.
As a musician, it will matter less who I played for, than whom I did not take the time to play for, that will count.
It will be the attitude I carry rather than the eloquence I have, that in the end, will count.
Counting my blessings will matter less than counting the blessing I have left behind, that will count in the end.
In the end all that will count is if I am a Christian and secondly, what did I do with my Christianity, is all that will ever matter.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Faith is Wisdom from the soul.
As a Christian, loneliness is not a fact but a “feeling” you have to choose because it is impossible for you to be alone.
As a Christian, your soul always sleeps on a “Select Comfort Mattress"; you choose because God has already choosen you.

Impossible, has nothing to do with Faith.
When you give up; you are really giving in!
You cannot loose a fight you have fought for right.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wealth often hinders your chances of doing right.
Money is not an end in itself but gives you an opportunity to end right.
Doing what I can is less worthy than doing what I should.
It is better to be disappointing than to have done nothing.
I can fix failure; I cannot fix laziness.
Warm your thoughts with love not money.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Giving means living.
Praying means loving.
Loving means sharing.
Caring means doing.
Judging turns off loving.
Hatred turns off living.
Unforgiving turns off caring.
Bitterness turns off everyone.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fortitude is attitude of work.
The constitution limited the right of the government to be wrong.
It is easier to forgive than forget.
If memory serves me right I only remember the things I think about.

Life’s little tragedies prepare us for the greatest tragedy of missing Heaven or prepare us for our greatest joy of arriving in Heaven.
An ounce of wisdom acted on is worth a ton of unused knowledge.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Stress is friend to unkindness.
I can fix failure; I cannot fix laziness.

Until I have lost much I understand little the need for compassion.
Love circumvents the obstacles hindering it.Marriage is when two people accept the responsible for one love.
What I do not learn in school will be taught me by much harsher masters.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Most of the time praise comes to you from those who are subject to you...it is the praises from those you love that mean most!
Demand of yourself more than you want from others.

Wisdom comes from doing what you know is right.
Procrastination is the drug of failure.
The lazy do as little as they can, to get less than they want.
Change is easier to predict than to adopt.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Everyday is an opportunity to be better that I was the day before.
Committed love seeks no uncommitted love.
For better or worse I am responsible for what I do, what I have done, and what I will do.

The lack of patience has cost me many a victory, and far too many friends.
Hope changes my attitude, perseverance changes my prospects, and Faith changes my destination.
Balance is the best thing you can give your employer, your employee, or your family.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

True love lives with its inside out.
A Christian bears the stamp of the image of hope.
What love will not bear cannot be born.
The majesty of Faith is celebrated in the soul of the believer.
Be warier of anyone who tries to delude your faith.
What society says is acceptable does change the Bible.
Love enriches the soil in the lives that it touches, do we, are we, will we?

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Grace is the power to do right.
Love is the reason to do right.
Prayer is vision to do right
Perseverance is the determination to do right.
Generosity gives you the means to do right.
Sin is why you do not do right
Stubbornness keeps you from changing to do right.
Selfishness keeps you from seeing right.
Greed causes you to take away from what is right.

Salvation cause you to exchange wrong for right.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Hope is a hardship to an atheist.
Surround yourself with those who can speak the truth to you in love.
It is hard to be kind, when you only love yourself, or when you hate yourself.
When you think that someone owes you, they are no longer your friend.

Words bear consequences beyond their meaning.
Forgiveness is sandpaper to those who hate.
Your actions to those you should love, carry a volume that is heard without listening.

Carol and I are safely back in our Tennessee cabin...Loving it here!

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Anyone can do “good works” but a Christian must.
Going to church is a good habit but a better privilege.
One of the keys to a successful life is when your stupidity argues with your reason don’t listen.
Government does best when it does what is should instead of what it wants.
Trouble can be generated in two ways; by doing wrong or by doing what is right.
Honor is respect being given.
Hope strangles doubt.

If you have no regrets you like did nothing.

Friday, March 01, 2013

In happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God
Every moment, thank God.

Janis Davis...Saudia Arabia

Failures, without wisdom, are doomed to return.
Wisdom requires changes you are not always willing to make.
Wisdom is often the knowledge, learned from bad experiences, blended with the hopes of good faith.
Wisdom can be measured by how often you have to learn the same lesson.
A wise man cannot help but seek God, but a fool can only see god only in his own mirror.

Wise is the man who finds the treasures God has placed within him.
Wisdom is a talent of Faith.