A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

April 10, 2007

To do right one must know right.

Spend less time on excuses and more time on accomplishment.

Wisdom is a learned process.

Ignoring your problems will not change them.

Learn to live until you die.

Pushing yourself to do better is great exercise.

March 31, 2007

At least be wrong in the right direction.

Blame is no substitute for work.

Becoming better that you were requires daily effort.

Too many people are effectively ineffective.

The most important things are still the most important things.

Christians are not fragile they are faithful.

March 30, 2007

This will be the last post until April 10th

Good people can still make bad decisions.

The praise of men will not write your name down, in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Sin cannot be balanced.

Prayer, unlike checks, can be written for any amount.

Empathy is carrying the blisters of others.

Don’t worry about bad “Karma”, concern yourself with bad behavior.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 29, 2007

Your life is your character.

Don’t let the one you have forsaken all others for, feel forsaken.

Faith, forgiveness, joy, happiness, friendship are all choices.

Part of thinking is remembering, so keep your memories.

Character is an enduring habit.

If you are making waves be certain they are in the right places.

Don’t let your diligence hinder your progress.

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 28, 2007

Television is not a labor saving devise.

You are less worthy than you are valued.

Allow for the best in others.

Christianity is the best deal for the young and the only deal for the old.

Invest in worthy ideas and valuable people.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 27, 2007

Too many Christians are on a Bible reading diet.

Tell the truth all of the time, so you can, when you need to.

In the US television is the opium of the people.

A Christian is loved more than they deserve.

Without daily prayer, you simply cannot do as much.

March 26, 2007

If you are counting your blessings there is no end.

Do you have His tithe buried under your tent?

Expectation is the soil of possibilities.

Expand your mission field.

Prayer is the key to controlling inflation in your life.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

March 25,2007

Mean what you say, but don’t be mean while saying it.

Distil your wisdom into actions.

Finding your own way is sacrilegious.

To understand giving you must in some way have been needy.

Impurities are hereditary cleansing is personal.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 23,2007

Hope is the essence of our existence.

Conciseness is the ability to say more with less.

Focus on giving not receiving and you will receive more than you give.

Most must learn their talents before they are talented.

Divide your time not your loyalties.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

March 22, 2007

To cheapen your life, lessen the value of others.

The ultimate “quality time” you can spend with your child is time.

“Word” power, brings, do power.

Few on their last day on earth, wish for more time at work.

Praying for others gives you faith to pray for yourself.

March 21, 2007

Medical tranquility is no substitute for spiritually tranquility.

Often the reward of doing good work is more work.

Learn the Will of God and no journey will be too difficult.

You can never do enough or be enough unless you have Grace enough.

Right and wrong do not run parallel to one another but perpendicular.

March 20, 2007

Global warming is a piece of cake compared to the warmth awaiting a sinner.

Forgiveness gives power to both the giver and the receiver.

The weaker a man is, the more he must pray.

The stronger a man is, the more he must pray.

False teeth are not nearly as harmful as a false tongue.

Speak of good and good will be spoken of you.

March 18, 2007

The answers to prayer are the power of prayer.

Starve the sin in your life through neglect.

When the power of love overcomes, the love of power, peace reigns.

Happiness is more about will, than circumstances.

Enjoy what to you have, to enjoy what will come.

Is it easier for a woman to have a baby that for a man to ask directions?

March 17, 2007

It is better for people to be wrong about you, than for you to be wrong about yourself.

Be sure your work catches up to your dreams.

Insist on being the best of yourself.

Elaborate on the qualities of a friend.

Your opinions are evaluated by your walk.

The best things in life may be free but sometimes they are risky.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

March 15, 2007

God knew you were slow to catch on but He loved you anyway!

God provided for your success when he defined integrity.

How much do you have to hurry to get behind from where you should be?

Without truth you are reduced to planning the chaos in your life.

Everyone is surrounded by a mission field.

Before you were conceived God had you on His mind.

March 15, 2007

The more special the people around you feel the more special you become as well.

I finally got it all together, now if I could just remember where I put it!

Think without a box, think with vision.

It is easy to do a good, but it is hard to keep quiet about it.

The higher the maintenance, the shorter the friendship.

Better that the dilemma be between two goods than two evils.

No one is getting any younger these days.

Monday, March 12, 2007

March 14, 2007

The less control you have over something the more peace you should have as God is control but we are generally more frustration.

Fortune falls to those who work.

Purpose is a direction for dreams.

To be better than someone else is vanity, but to be better than you were is victory

What is, is until it isn’t.

Flattery is like putting icing on a toad.

You are only tempted, if you something of value to lose.

The measurement between need and want can contain desire, greed, or ambition.

Perfection is a torturous way to live.

Between here and there is hope.

March 13, 2007

Feelings come from your emotional reactions to truth.

Turmoil escalates when indecision rules.

Sin is encouraged by the insurgents in your heart.

Too many Christian men are more contend being drones rather than fathers.

Are acquiescing in battles you should or would have won?

Not tithing is a form of money laundering.

Christians are not designed to be second best.

Christians are not designed to be better than others just happier.

Christians are designed to be Christ-like.

Christians are all weighed individually, not on a comparative scale.

Everyone is designed to be a Christian.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

March 12,2007

It is hard to be last and not feel least.

Expectation is the sauce of life.

The real “magic of believing” is that we are all free to do it.

If life were only as simple as a three circus, but it is not.

You were not intended to live a random life.

You have no responsibility to live as I do or as I want but, God, now that is another question.

Be sure that the fork in the road is headed in the right direction.

Don’t spend your days measuring, spend them giving.

Friday, March 09, 2007

March 11,2007

Whether you disagree or agree show love the other person first.

Finding time has to do with changing your purposes.

Your way may be the best way but perhaps not the only way.

Compassion is sweating love.

Solitude and loneliness have the same company but one is sought one is fraught.

The awkwardness of a first conversation is about you not them.

Misery keeps its own company.

March 10 thoughts

Spiritual exercise leads to physical healing.

Encouragement is always a welcome gift.

Most people are discouraged by themselves first, then others.

Faith is true optimism.

Our lack of self-control is usually blamed on others.

To be right you must saturate it in love.

Learn to pray before you argue.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thought soil March 9, 2008

Where is the possibility more likely as when you have agreed in prayer?

If you get caught up in yourself, you will soon be lonesome.

Doing is the first step towards being done.

Change is the only way to get different results.

Invest a kindness in each passing day.

All things are possible but not all things are likely.

Delight in the one you love and they will be delighted.

Love is both upsetting and satisfying.

Prayer is the only way to birth the impossible.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mind soil

In order to see better you have to stand on the top of your prayers.

How often have you done too much good for another? How often too little?

Love contains it own warmth.

Liberty is the freedom to do right not a license to do wrong.

Imagine the best and head in that direction.

The future holds what you have sown today.

Satisfaction always involves others.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

March 8,2007

In marriage, neglect is more addictive than romance; yet romance is the cure for neglect.

Never confuse love an attention they are not the same.

It is the love that causes the attention; attention does not cause love.

Selfishness is the real cocaine of our society.

Seeing pain in others is a gift that God gives to everyone.

If you are working too hard someone else is not.

Learn to prospect the possibilities in others.

There are more reasons to good than there are excuses for not.

365 days a year, none promised, and all reside in the place called hope.

Truth is not surrenderable; it always stands the test of time.

Pay more attention to where you are going than where you have been.

It is never wrong to do right!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Faith is more fun than fear!

Sleep at night and solve problems in the morning.

It is more reassuring to pray before the storm.

It is often harder to move the mountains of doubt and despair than the mountains along the coast.

Most impoverished are those who chose to be.

Misery does not love company but understands how it limits the power of pain.

Truth cannot be sacrificed, only abused or ignored.

One cannot embellish themselves by embellishment.

March 4,2007

Faith shines walking in the valley but sweats climbing the mountain.

The valleys don't scare us it is when you get below the valleys that concerns most folks.

Imagination is a great cure for boredom.

Hope puts the sizzle in the day and the fullness into life.

Without faith man has no friend.

Whatever I have not left in the care of Jesus is in danger.

The more He has of what I have the happier I am.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

March 3,2007

To be fourth in line is not near as troubling as being in the in the wrong line.

Measure your loss by your gain.

Jesus bids the highest for all free agents.

Everyone who is loved is beautiful.

Romance is caring for what others care about.

The nature of despair is to debilitate.

Negatives happens to everyone but being positive is always a choice.

Isn't time for you to plan an unpublicized kindness?

Friday, March 02, 2007

March 3,2007

Broken hearts come from broken trust.

The fragrance of love is the sight of the loved.

Make your helping hand the strongest one.

Rub shoulders with eternity bound people.

Live your prayers.

How often is sometimes, the only time?

Marching on!

The hardest places, are when you see no hope, no possibility then faith becomes a necessity.

Don’t rejoice on what you are leaving behind but where you are going.

Vision is the first part of the journey.

Joy stalks the faithful!

Forever is only a down payment on eternity.

Learn to feel better than you look and to look better than you feel

How far you are from success includes which direction you are going.

Love is a seed planted inside one another growing and intertwining forever.

Marriage is a result of faith.

Promises are about commitment.

Knowing and understanding do not always walk hand in hand.

In your quest for the day don't miss its beauty.

The strength of a "no" is based on how many times one hears you say yes.

You can be positive and still be wrong.

There is no line for those who know where they are going.