A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The optimist looks at the possibilities while the pessimist looks at the problems.

Christians have been relived of the fear of Hell, that they see in the eyes of the unbelievers.

Whatever you fail to leave at the Cross will eventually cause some failure in your life.

If you have not cast, all of your burdens on Jesus, you are carrying an unnecessary load.

The evils of the day are sufficient without carrying yesterday in to today!

The Cross is the cemetery for all of your past sins; leave them their.

If you are not willing to forget the past your future is very limited.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you“: which means if you need someone’s forgiveness you ought to first forgive them.

If you do not need someone’s forgiveness you likely need more forgiveness than you know!

The past is the stain of sin that Jesus cleansed you of in Salvation.

Salvation frees you, from the past, to live wiser in the future.

Christians are simply unbelievers who now believe!

Christians are those who having been, spiritually blind, now can see.

Selfishness plus marriage equal bitterness; and when when bitterness is added to loneliness

and combined with the square root of rejection the total equals divorce or and hatred.

Marriage contains the foundation of happiness; but the home it builds takes a lifetime of sharing.

Love is sacrificing for the good of another; in marriage, each sacrifice is an investment in one another.

The success of the marriage provides a shelter for the family it contains.

Marriage shell that holds the family together.

It is out of a happy, connected, marriage that children prosper in their marriages.

Marriage is mutual discipleship!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Love is a forgiving journey in to someone else’s life for the sole purpose to enrich it.

Love is more felt, than understood, and more needful, than can be explained.

The Love of God will never leave you with a broken heart!

The Love of God is righteousness in action!

Without your salvation through Jesus Christ, such Love, will fall on ears that cannot hear and will be in front of eyes that cannot see.

God’s Love cannot: be stretched to thin, depended on too much, will not abandon you in times of need nor devastated by your poor judgments

The rich Love of God only grows and magnifies, as you recognize it, and accept it.

Devine Love is a commitment of His character to you!

Devine personal love is available to EVERYONE who will accept, Gods salvation through Jesus; His only Son!

The more you love God the more you will be able love those around your life.

True love can be dismissed but will never leave you.

How often have we jumped into a fight we had no business being in--- said words, in situations, that were not ours to say? How often have we have we waded in to someone’s life to “save them from themselves” only to find out their neither wanted or need us to do so?
We want to more important to others in order to mask the needs in our own lives.

Becoming a Christian gives us greater control, not to do these things, or to do them when they are really needed, doing so effectively.

Selfishness limits our usefulness to those, for whom, we love and care.

I am significant, when I believe God, and I am insecure, when I do not!

Faith verses fear is an ongoing choice that brings us, rest or restlessness.

The fear of hope is as paralyzing as the fear of failure.

Friday, July 29, 2011

One must realize that God is. every moment, walking through your thoughts.

His is always with you; you might want to make Him your friend.

His presence is in your presence, presently, and permanently.

Nowhere becomes somewhere when God is with you.

God is Omnipresent but you are not Omniaware!

God walked with Adam in the cool of the evening but He was there, with Adam, always.

Learn to purposely welcome God into your thought life.

You can take no step without Him; so remember you are taking every step with Him.

The good thing is the God knows everything about you and still desperately and specifically loves you!

If God does know everything; then you are on His list!

Taking a break from church is a good way to go broke.

A vacation from the Heart of God leads to loneliness.

When you recognize that you are beloved, it is difficult to feel lonely.

Whatever you have covered up in this life, will soon be revealed to all.

Fear God who can cast you into Hell, or love God who will welcome you into Heaven… your choice!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Church shares what God could not trust to individuals.

Collectively, the Church sees God work in a manor that a single person, alone, could never see.

One of the Church’s purpose is to gift one another.

Never under estimate the gift God has given  another.

God made us to be interdependent one another in His Church.

The spiritual gift God has given you does not make you more valuable, just more useful.

Your spiritual gifts are really not for your benefit, but for others!

Believer working together can accomplish much than believers who will only work alone.

Nothing can replace your prayers, however, the prayers of others can intensify your request of the Father!

The Bible reminds us that where “two are agreed, the Truth is established“.

God honors the prayers of others for you, as much as, He honors your prayers for others.

No Christian is an island unto himself; you simply were not designed to prosper that way.

The “Bride of Christ “ is the Church not an individual; find a church to be what you should become.

Whenever you feel a need to question God; first, praise Him.

Your life is your testimony and your salutation to this life.

Remember, the church is the “Bride of Christ;” treat it accordingly.

The “Groom” will not take lightly, your care of it.

How will the “Groom” feel about your treatment of His “Bride?”

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jesus always leads with the right hand, to the right places, for the right reasons.

You can never be wrong doing right.

If you knew how to get where you are to go you would; it is better trust the guide than the scenery!

The destination is sure; it is the helping hands to others, and those who are to help you, that is unclear.

How you are to drive, and how you are to behave, on your journey are Biblically clear; it is the individual paths you must travel that are obscured.

Faith plus knowledge (the Bible) times prayer plus experiences equal willingness.

The difference between obedience and willingness is attitude.

If you are on the right path; give no consideration to the wrong paths

It is easier to stay on the right path than it is to get back on it.

If you know what is good; why would you give thought to what is not?

The Bible is your compass; Jesus is your guide.

You never have to stand alone for truth; God will be there with you.

You don’t need to go to church to be a Christian, but being a Christian will make you want too!

Whenever you have to rely only on God, you are in a good situation.

Stand by the truth and God will stand behind you.

Whatever God wants for you is available to you.

You never have to stand alone for truth; God will be there with you.

You don’t need to go to church to be a Christian, but being a Christian will make you want too!

Whenever you have to rely only on God, you are in a good situation.

Stand by the truth and God will stand behind you.

Whatever God wants for you is available to you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unity is a exercise in Faith.

Two working together can do more; than two working separately; and they have more fun doing it.

A hand of cooperating is worth a pound of agreement.

If there is no cooperation in marriage; you have no marriage.

Your testimony means considerable more in church than in isolation.

It is through the unity of the believers that effort becomes accomplishment.

Your testimony brings nourishment to a hungry heart.

Willingness without doing, is still unwillingness.

To many churches and Christians have become willing to become unwilling.

Doing is true believing.

Doing less than your best, will become your undoing.

Monday, July 25, 2011

In any relationship difficulty, feelings are the first thing to leave and the last thing to come back.

Feelings are the frosting, gravy, and chocolate toppings of life not the substance.

The movement of God is not slowed by how you feel about what He is doing.

God moves because of your prayers, He moves in spite of them and He is does what He pleases.

God will be wherever you are, will have always been, wherever you are going to be, and always be there when you call upon Him!

Prayer makes you more aware of God but does not make God more aware of you.

Prayer is about ”come let us reason together.” Saith the Lord!

The Hand of God is always in the processes of preparing a way for you to succeed.

Success is fulfilling the will of God in your life.

If you think you are more important than others, you probably are not.

All idols are dead; only God is alive!

Idols hold no treasures, God has all the treasure.

What ever you idolize, injures your testimony.

Faith and baptism are the first steps to a vibrant faith.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Most men only see with their eyes but a Christian can see with his heart.

Oh Christian. “Except you be moved with compassion how dweleth My love in thee?”

Someone else’s misery can be your ministry.

If the pain is too great to pray, give a compassionate hug.

When you live” praying without ceasing’” then when your life meets the sorrows of this world you are prepared.

Physical pain and sorrow are light compared to the loss of a soul to Hell!

Carry your brother’s sorrow as your own.

Never is the verse,” Bear one another’s burdens” so true; as when you lift the burden of sorrow from another.

Compassion, lessens. the weight of sorrow.

Grace is only one way God drives suffering out of your life.

Waking up your love includes checking up on your willing to forgive!

Life is orchestrated to reveal God.

Temptations always comes with choices.

Ordinary Christians are extraordinary!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Advice to a man in pain as his wife left him,

There are so few words that can comfort the hurt that has entered your life. We all pray for His best in this time of personal turmoil. As her husband, you can continue to pray; both hedge of protection, and a hedge of thorns, to surround her. The hedge of protection is to keep her from contacts that might increase her resolve to leave her calling to be your wife. The second hedge of thorns is to make any relationship that she might want to enter into that would try to comfort her or counsel her to continue her rebellion against God, to become seriously, painful for her, continually. While your wife will always have her free will, she will do so under the fervent pressure of the Father, Himself.

Other than the above, you have to cast your misery and frustrations upon, the generous love of God, who will Himself intervene in your personal pain. As the tears of rejection are felt; know that the Father, will not ,yea cannot, reject the heart of His own.

Take care that those about you, perhaps you children, or significant friends, while sharing your suffering do not succumb to it. Give heed that the bitterness, which can bring such deep regrets to you and your loved one’s lives, be kept at bay. No hurt or injury can heal, when salved with bitterness, no, none, ever.

Finally, do not bring greater sorrow into your life by developing a spirit that refuses to forgive. Such a hurtful spirit will bring peril, to all you meet along this journey.

May His love, overwhelm your sorrows, His peace replace your pain and His Spirit refresh your soul, while you travel through this most difficult personal valley.

Tragedy awaits us all. It is so important to have ongoing, meaningful relation with Jesus. Such a relationship keeps these tragedies of life from eroding our spiritual foundation.

Joy comes from the Lord, the Bible reminds us, and if we choose to find our joy in only what other do, or say, we weaken so that strength available to us in Christ Jesus. He is the one who blossoms our soul in the fields of sadness and bring Hope out of all of your losses in life’s journey.

Unless we allow our lives to continually merged with the Father’s, and we value our joint heirs with Jesus status; the bruises of life bring more pain that one can endure. However, when we refuse to live below or privileges in Christ Jesus, then we find peace that passes not only all understanding; but the peace that passes all misunderstandings as well.

“Rejoice and again I say rejoice!” The Word says. When I immerse my sorrows, difficulties my victories and my hopes, in the tender love of Jesus, only then, can I rejoice without ceasing and become full of His joy, which makes my joy to overflow!

We limit ourselves only by limiting what part of ourselves we are willing to dedicate to God. Wasn’t it D.L. Moody that said the world is yet to know what God could do with a man who was thoroughly committed to God!

As the Father opens up your soul and brings fragrance to your life you will continue to be more than you could have been.

His Grace , Love and Mercy have made ready the road to spiritual greatness. Spiritual greatness, while noticeable by others, is really about you and the Father growing closer and closer together.

As Paul said “I press prize the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” In that passage Paul even tells us the way to get the prize; it is only through Jesus our precious Lord.  

The more our lives coincide with the Master’s the closer we are to richer fellowship with the Father. Becoming Christ like is to become extremely loving concerning the family of God and the lost who desperately need the touch of His salvation.

Man can be right but God can never be wrong.

Man is in a bit of conflict because we fear Him and love Him at the same time, We desire His Holiness and yet want our own way. We need Him desperately but want our freedom. We recognize our need of His presence and we know we live in His presents; but often live like we think He is busy somewhere else. We crave the Heart of God but give excuses to avoid praying, reading the Bible and going to church. Somehow we feel that we are too busy for Him, so perhaps He is too busy for us. We forget that the Bible tells us that His eye is on us continually, not to judge us but to help, guide and empower us to live a meaningful Christian life.

The more we find ourselves comfortable in His “everlasting arms” the more our happiness turns into joy. Joy is a bi-product of doing the will of God in our life. The closer we are to the Father and the more we press towards the goal of becoming Christ like, the more effective, and useful our lives become; at work, at home and in touching the lives God brings into our lives each day.

It is Jesus, Himself, that told us to call God, our Father, in the Lord’s prayer, ‘Our father who art in Heaven hollowed be they name…”

Your success will ultimately be measured by how many souls you enrich.

Fear will always attack you because of your nature, resist it with Faith!
Faith always has the potential to set you free; it always your choice to exercise it.

God will give you the power to say no; but it is you who must say no!

The storms of life need not hinder your faith.

Friday, July 22, 2011

May your life’s discipline be less said, and more lived!

Fun is recreational happiness.

Feeling is a result of commitment not visa versa.

Satan will attact any advance you make towards Jesus; count on it!

Faith is invisible but the deeds you do can be seen by all.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The interest payment you receive, on your sacrifices in life, are eternally enormous.

Not doing wrong is always right!

Only true believers can really appreciate miracles.

Do you punish your children or discipline them?

Temptations always bring a choice.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When God does something nothing is left undone!

The Heart of God proceeds the Hand of God so what you receive from Him is somewhere past wonderful.

The proof of Hope is that Faith is embolden.

What God does for me is much more useful than what I often ask of Him.

With one Hand He buriers a loved one; with the other Hand He comforts those who sorrow.

Not only are His blessing the best you could have hope for, but they are immeasurable.

The further you are from the God, the lonelier it gets. When God is all you have, you have all there is!

Every blessing is reason for you to bless another.

It is not what you earned, but what God gives you that counts.

Yes is the only proper answer to God’s requests.

Friendship, whether earned or given, should be cherished.

What two people share becomes a joint treasure.

Faith expects, what it cannot believe.

Devotion is based on trust.

What your will not, give will be taken from you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pray in secret and you will live in the Light.

Prayers creates inner wealth.

You never pray alone; God is always you.

Prayer is the suture between Heaven and earth.

Whatever I cannot pray about I should never do!

Prayer is the fuel of Faith.

Prayer is humility in action.

Listening as you pray brings direction and understanding.

If you have not prayed you have yet to live!

Prayer is the foundation of Hope and the vehicle that expectations are carried

Our prayers can change the lives of others.

God hears every prayer ,understands every request and answers in a way best for you.

Prayer changes your possibilities!

You don’t need a passport to pray around the world.

Often the best prayers come from the lips of the worst people.

No prayer goes unheard or unanswered.

Prayer should have more effect on your circumstances;
than your circumstances have on your prayers.

The benefits of prayer, first occur, while you are praying!

Praying for strength, brings strength.

Do not pray if you can give only, pray only what you should give.

Pray in secrete and you will live in the Light.

Prayers creates inner wealth.

You never pray alone; God is always you.

Prayer is the suture between Heaven and earth.

Whatever I cannot pray about I should never do!

Prayer is the fuel of Faith.

Prayer is humility in action.

Listening as you pray brings direction and understanding.

If you have not prayed you have yet to live!

Prayer is the foundation of Hope and the vehicle that expectations are carried

Our prayers can change the lives of others.

God hears every prayer ,understands every request and answers in a way best for you.

Prayer changes your possibilities!

You don’t need a passport to pray around the world.

Often the best prayers come from the lips of the worst people.

No prayer goes unheard or unanswered.

Prayer should have more effect on your circumstances;
than your circumstances have on your prayers.

The benefits of prayer, first occur, while you are praying!

Praying for strength, brings strength.

Do not pray if you can give only, pray only what you should give.

Today is our precious daughter, Sandi's, birthday is a superblessing to us.
Men can be right but God cannot be wrong.
Love is never barren.
The burden of freedom is a worthy load.
Believing is more than Faith; it is an expectation.
The Cross was never meant to be temporary.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What God has done; will not be undone by any amount of unbelievers.

His eyes see where you are going, His heart knows what you want; His love gives you what you need, and His presence protects you from the rest.

He first call for your soul, and next to your work.

Listen and do; then ask why.

Some or most of what God asks of you, will beyond your comprehension.

God does have something for you to do!!!!!

God has already been, and will already be, wherever He asked you to go. He has prepared and provided the place for you to work at what He has called you to do.

Today is our precious Seanna's birthday what a blessing she is to our family!

Marriage is a commitment of character.

You are never too old or too young to be right.
Frequent the possibilities of Hope.

I know, because I am known!

Human predications are based on man’s interpretations of facts, while God’s predications are based on Truth.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Faith is a thorough exploration of hope.

What I see and do by faith exceeds anything I can see or do on my own.

Having looked at nature and all the vast variety of His creation I find it hard to believe that anyone could think it all just happened.

The Hand of God is everywhere; the hands of many men have done very little.

Without Faith I can only experience human love, without experiencing the generosity of love; I miss the purpose of love. However, with the addition of Faith to human love, it becomes a blending of Divinely, generous, love!.

Learn to trust God for what you ask Him for!
Generosity is the key to prosperity.
Prosperity is not what you have, but who you are.
Clean the windows of hope and your fears will fade away.
Want is the enemy of contentment!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Without commitment, love, means little.

Marriage is held together by love built on a foundation of commitment.

Discipline is commitment on display.

If parents fail to discipline their children, then children usually fail to discipline themselves.

True love makes you do what you should instead of what you would!

When loves is weak; it is commitment that props it up.

Christianity is complexity, simplified.

Often our weaknesses get in the way of our hope, but not in our possibilities.

Satan is at work whether you are doing OK or not.

I choose to do what God has said; while I wait on Him, to do what I can’t.

The Bible teaches that God’s actions are often based on your trust.

Friday, July 15, 2011

It is not so much of scientists in search of Truth, as it is Truth in search of scientists.

It is when you see you have no value, and then see you value in Jesus, that you become truly valuable.

Expectations make up the chains of progress.

God already has everything you will ever want or need.

Faith fathers Hope, Hope sprouts possibilities, and Possibilities increase your Faith.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Bible is continuing relating God’s Love and compassion to your heart.

The Bible speaks to your mind and filters on in to your soul.

Jesus said “I am the Word” and Jesus is alive!

The Spirit of God ,who wrote the Bible, through the hands of man, is full everyday, of new healing words.

It is the Bible, that gives you the power, strength, wisdom and determination to be Godly, when you seem completely unable.

The Bible is a love letter to your soul.

Read to your heart, the pages of His word, with love or hurt, joy or sadness, in sickness or in health or while experiencing feast or famine. Read to your soul; especially when you or others have no answers, little faith, when Hope seems out of reach, and you will find the Bible sufficient for all of these!

Give what you can; while you can.
Whatever you give will someday be yours to spend.
Companionship is one form of weath.
The question is not, “Will I have enough,” but “Will I give enough?”
Ultimately, science is the servant of truth and all truth is God’s truth.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The desire for mercy is motivated by true guilt which separates our fellowship with the Father, which damages our spiritual "love life". Mercy was recycled into Grace delivered at the cross. Without mercy their is no means of forgiveness. Jesus would have never shed His blood if there no mercy forthcoming.

Pray to forgive before you pray to receive.

Forgiving another is not justifying them, only yourself.

If you fail to forgive you have failed!

An unforgiving spirit brings bitterness, which corrupts, not only you, but all those your life touches.

“Unforgivness” is cancer of the soul.

If Jesus forgave those who crucified Him; ought you not forgive someone who has hurt one of your feeling, or harm you in some other way?

Being faithful is possible being perfect is not.

The weakest person you know is the one who refuses to forgive.

Give forgiveness and get forgiveness!

An unforgiving heart bears a price no one wants to pay.

Do not pray if you should  forgive only, pray only for the strength to forgive.

Bitterness is the guaranteed fruit of an unforgiving heart.

Anger leads bitterness, bitterness to regret, regret to guilt; which makes you angry again,  all which could have be resolved if you would only forgive.

Keep in mind, that when you forgive it helps you more than the offender; he still must deal with his actions before God.

Faith and desperation cannot coexist.

Difficulties is perplexed by fear but helped by your Faith.

Promise become character issues.
Learn to believe greater than you can do!

Are my actions examples of “God possibilities“?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mathew 6
I sort of believe that when Jesus was teaching us to pray and He told us that we should pray that God forgive us as we forgive other. It seems pretty forthright. Now, at Salvation God forgives totally for all our sins forever. However, I think Jesus was passing on more than good advise when he told us to pray this way. As Christians we have some say in our eternal rewards. I.E. “Lay up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust cannot corrode“.. ..Perhaps forgiveness is a part of that treasure.

Asking of God require both our recognition and are expectations that He will intervene is someway about our concern. We get so occupied in our journey that we forget that He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we ask or do. It is our lose and our weakness when we fail to ask. He reminded us to come and ask what we will and it shall be done.

I am referring to the Lords Prayer that says that we will be forgiving as we forgive others. It is true that mercy of God exceeds what ever little bit of mercy we can give here but Jesus reminded us that we will be judged by the mercy we show here on earth. What we forgive here will be forgiven in Heaven and what we condemn here will be condemned in Heaven.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Prayer requires both time and humanity both are in short supply in our busy lives. We tend to find ourselves; too tired and too stressed to even ask for what for want. We are becoming less convinced that God will help us. When finances, jobs, and most other things are slipping out of our control we tend to depend less rather than more on God.

The more difficulties we encounter the less we suspect God is able or willing to help us. We so soon forget that it is, He, who really does run the universe and yet His eyes are upon us continually. Whenever we forget that He desperately loves us, the more we act like orphans. As our patience run low we wrongly assume His are as well.

He admonishes us that we will never wear down His longsuffering towards us. Finally, we also forget that He reminded us that “in our weaknesses He will make us strong…and that He who has begun a good work in you will also finish it!”

Pray more and doubt less!

Pout and doubt and do without.. or pray, believe, and receive .

It seems to be our choice whether to be blessed or not.

Today is the canvas that reveals tomorrow’s blessing.
What I do today will be more important to the Father than what I did yesterday.
Today, is a second mile day, care to join me?
Success is not about how much money I make, but who I am becoming!
A moment is a minute on steroids.
If I need a nest tomorrow I need to build it today.
Yesterday is aroma, tomorrow is a fragrance, today is the result of one and the beginning of the other.
What I have done for Christ will be waiting for me tomorrow.
What I have done for myself will be useless in the Kingdom to come!
Yesterday and tomorrow only sandwich in what I am doing today.
If it were not for today tomorrow would little meaning for me.
You have enough time, each day, to do the Will of God in your life.
Holding on today, will leave you a handle for tomorrow.
Smear God’s love all over your today saturate in It.
Integrity, knows not today, from yesterday, nor is it concerned for tomorrow.
Everyday is a practice in Holiness.
If you are washed in the Blood today, tomorrow holds no fear for you.
Who are you to bless today …have you yet?
Today always holds more potential than tomorrow.

Prayer is a way of “staking out” territory in someone else’s life for God.

When I pray god listens regardless of my spiritual status.

Pray is a gift to other even when they know not the source.

You can crowd Satan in other’s liver though prayer.

The lack of prayers of a righteous man avails little in the sight of the Lord!

Holiness is the Holy Spirit working in you from the inside out.

Holiness is not only a commitment but also a journey.

Holiness is not being perfect but of perfecting your faults as the Holy Spirit makes you aware of them.

Holiness is not the loss of wanting to do wrong, but it is an overwhelming

desire to do right.

The more you love others the “Holier” you become.

Holiness is when your soul’s cry is “I love being good!”

Holy is as holy does.

Feeling Holy and doing Holy is natural or it is only a feeling.

Difficulty is perplexed by fear but overcome by Faith.

Doubt is only a shadow in the brightness of the Sonlight!

Do your Faith!

Trials and difficulties try to make complex, the simplicity of the Gospel.

I am incapable of honoring God, without His help.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Even the valley of sadness has a sunrise.

The voice that directs for the outside is never as meaning or powerful as the one from the inside.

Christmas without Easter would have left no mark on history.

The mystery of the Gospel is the Jesus found me not that I found Him.

God’s love erodes your weaknesses.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Jesus and you can change society about you, or at least make it more tolerable.

Patience is made up, of as much of divine dedication, as discipline.

The Holy Spirit is promised to you personally; settle for nothing less.

What we want, helps tell us who we are!

Christmas was about Jehovah reaching down to lift us up.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

His eyes see where you are going, His heart knows what you want,
His love gives you what you need,
and His presence protects you from all of the rest.

“Doing all things” is not easy to do so one must raise his faith level.
You can always turn to Jesus and get the sufficiency, you need.
Christianity is not just a way to change society; it must first change you.
Faith is a way to see better, than you see what you saw.
True patience only comes from the Holy Spirit.
If you are not lead by the Spirit you are lost for sure!

If you are not lead by the Spirit you are lost for sure.

Part of the church’s ministry is to decuple the believers but without the help of the Holy Spirit, they are indeed like sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.

The prayers of the believer and the power or the Holy Spirit lead the “baby Christian” into a man of God.

Without His help we are helpless, hopeless and useless.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The more you do the greater your influence.
Your willingness to give brings light to others about you.

Family is belonging in your heart.

Most of the best leaders are not aware that they are.

Jesus died and rose again for the differences between what you can do and what you must be done.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

It is impossible to surprise God.
Vivid living over runs the deepest darkness.

Find someone to mentor whether they believe or not.

Make fear, fright, and failure uncomfortable in your life.

His portrait of every day of your life, will someday be unveiled.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Independence and freedom are gifts of the blood of many.

We live in a free country because many gave up theirs to obtain it.

How special is it to live in this country full off possibilities only you can develop.

We live in independence, yet spiritually, independence from God, brings personal destruction.

Without responsibility freedom dies on the vine.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Time is the currency; life is the marketplace.

Good is an evaluation of attitude and responsibility; their results are only observations.

Father, never allow me to escape your presence in my life, no never!

Seek a future in His hands and fear will not soil it.

Truth is often difficult to absorb.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Everyday is a canvas that people can see what you are painting.

Plant Hope in every valley you pass through!

Your example illustrates your testimony.

Your goals organize and prioritize your life.

Whatever I know, is a gift of effort, willingness, and understanding.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Your Christian life is soil, to grow faith, in others.

Muslims are just as worthy of salvation just as are you.

Celebrate every touch of kindness you see or feel.

Tyranny is a bitter heart and a wounded spirit.

The biggest victory we have in life, is over ourselves.