A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

No risk, no harvest.
Risk reaches for the possibilities that laziness cannot provide.
Jesus took a risk for you
Generosity occurs when you control fear.
Feeding the poor is credited to your Heavenly bank account; feeding the lazy is not.

Friday, October 28, 2011

To do is to choose to do!

To give is to choose to give.

To love is a commanded choice.

Loving is choosing to give.

Charity is a giving choice, wrapped in love.

This is the last regular SMH for three weeks. Vacation again!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Demand expectations of your hopes.

Faith without expectation is the chaff of hope.

To receive more than you deserve, give more than you would.

Carefulness or carelessness neither describe Faith.

The language of my life describes the meaning of my commitments.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sometimes I forget to remember what I forgot.

Enduring living is a waste of life.

Celebrate what you have or you will lose it too!

Love gives more than it receives but always receives more than it has given.

It is your influence on others that seems to influence you.

Monday, October 24, 2011

As a Christian, I can choose to be with God but I cannot choose to be without Him. He is always before the next breath of a believer, making a way for them to choose success. The choice is still mine to fail or not, but I need not, if I choose not. Success is a combination of God’s preparation for me and my choice to access His plan.

Circumstances never dictate my success, only my opportunities. Spiritual failure is a choice not to do things God’s way; because you cannot fail doing the will of God in your life. It is impossible to do so. Failure is not what you accomplish or what you do not accomplish, but who you are following. Jesus said, “Follow me!” All other choices are subject to that choice. As a Christian, you cannot be placed, sent, or found, where God cannot use you!
use you!                   

Fear is doubt turned inside out.

If you forget your principles you have lost my way.

To wonder in darkness one must walk away from the light!

Worry is the ultimate time thief.

Worry is an exercise in faithlessness.

Today is my favorite oldest granddaughter's birthday ..She is such a special blessing! .....Happy birthday all year long!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Belief is committed Faith. What I believe I organize my life around. What I believe become my principles and those principles become the anchors for me that cannot willing be moved. I live and die by what I truly believe. Belief become active Faith with which I paint the portrait of my life on the canvas of my time on earth. For it is His hand holding my hand, while I journey in this world, that provides the differences between ideas and principles. The less I guess about what I believe and the more I know in whom I believe that more contented I become with life’s’ outcome.

Love filters doubt out of hope!

Too many people line up for a splash of Grace, too few plunge in.

Showers of blessing brings in floods of Grace.

Don’t just be thankful for what you know God has done for you; but leave a special place in your heart for what you do not yet know what God has done for you!

Change may be perpetual but acceptance is usually limited.

Thinking you are right does not make you right.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

As a Christian fear is obsolete.

Speak carefully remember carefully.

Speak lovingly remember lovingly.

No one can perjure truth.

The cost of a friend is twice as much love.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Are you living just at the very edge of His grace or in the middle?

Obedient Christians have no special; direction they just do what other Christians know they should be doing.

God is never caught off guard…it is impossible!

I really am thankful God is in charge not someone else.

The Father of Love is always very near.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The more you lack the ability to do anything the more thankful you are to know God who can do everything.

Unbelief is the fruit of fear.

Forgiveness is a mixture of compassion and mercy.

Don’t confuse the Love of God and the Salvation He has provided they are distinctly different.

Fear is the weakest link in any Christian.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Learning to manage yourself is much more difficult than learning to manage others.

Your faith in others often increase your faith in yourself.

Faith in God relieves you of the difficulties that come with too much faith in others.

Bitterness will poison every corner of your life.

Bitter people do hateful things and think they are justified in doing so!

Bitterness is incapacitated by love.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Faith secures your hold on the possibilities you posses in Jesus Christ.

Birthdays are for celebration the goodness of God in your life.

Today, I begin my seventh decade.

If you are fixated on hope you life will pulsate with possibilities.

Heredity is something you can do little about but heritage is yours to leave.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Saying difficult things in a kind way is difficult; requiring more praying than saying.

Hope is the tithe of faith.

Bitterness makes you mean, meanness makes you lonely and loneliness makes you angry, only God can set you free.

Having to much is not the problem keeping too much is a problem.

Do you treasure people or measure people?

A mentor is mentored by his mentoring.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Grace is gentility aggressively and lovingly thorough.

What you own owns you.

Whatever you give serves you.

We become, as we invest.

Promote what is good in others but demand what is best in yourself.

In life learn to demand less and give more

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blessing continue even when you are hurting and pain seems to be your only friend.

The better view you have of God the easier it is to recognize blessings.

You will never have all you want until you give all you can.

Hope travels at the speed of righteousness.

Whatever I thought I earned, is really a gift from God.

Having been shown mercy, thankfulness should be come naturally.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Being thankful is a result of being thankful.

Blood is the currency of freedom both politically and spiritually.

You can never be fully thankful until you consider what Jesus saved you from.

Hope rings louder than despair.

Put your blessing on the refrigerator and your failure in the waste can.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Good seems useless when you are hurting...but it is not.

Bitterness will erode thankfulness.

A Christian has no choice but to be eternally thankful.

Prayer is asking God and increasing your thankfulness.
Thanking God is the beginning of all other thankfulness.

Consider how long you have to thank others in your life.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Grace will only heal what you allow it to heal.

To love God is one thing; to act accordingly is quite another!

Faith is more as choice than it is an experience.

You can be committed to evil as well as good.

What terror it is to live without Faith.

Jesus did not come for arbitration; but to provide salvation to the whole world.

Friday, October 07, 2011

God has determined your value; never allow the past or others to over- rule His love for you.

Evaluateing your  perceptions; often to keep on the right course.

The world never rewards like God will.

Love must be negotiated but never compromised.

Life is not about you, but Jesus in you!

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Never allow momentary pleasure to bring you a lifetime of regret. Too often we confuse what we want with what we need and what we think we need, with what we should seek. We are tempted to do as others are doing, which is, feeding ourselves the chaff and spending the wheat on frivolous pursuits.

Wisdom is the application of the Bible to our present lives. If we then apply wisdom to our lives, we need to pursue, not what “feels good,” but what IS good!

Good always contains righteousness, benefits others, and is done in love.

Faith is not sidetracked by controversy.

“Taking up your cross,” will require sweat and self-denial.

Only God can make you into what you were created to be.

Few people have the sense to be sensible.

Only a Christian can have what he is entitled.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Here is a song I wrote last summer....No music I will leave that to someone else...

Today I feel the presence of the angels you sent to watch over me,

I love the tender care and love you bring to me.

How sweet is the hope and love placed in my life.

Keep the Angel close to me today I pray.

For I will be pushing back on the gates of Hell.

With your Grace I will push harder and farther than before.

I feel your Hand in which I reside today.

Please keep the Angel close to me today.

I feel your love in me and my praise over runs my gratitude, overwhelms me today.

Keep your angel near and dear as I walk though this day,

on my way, to your great Heart, this day and every day.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The better view you have of God the easier it is to recognize blessings.

You will never have all you want until you give all you can.

Hope travels at the speed of righteousness.

Whatever I thought I earned, is really a gift from God.

Having been shown mercy, thankfulness should be come naturally.

Monday, October 03, 2011

You gain fellowship with time and love.

Prejudice is always based on feeling instead of fact.

Fear annoys faith but faith destroys fear.

All fear is from Satan ..no fear comes for God

Fear is the adversary of possibilities.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

A tragedy crossed our lives and those lives that Jason Seal touched on his short journey through this world. Jason stepped into Heaven last night and the left a huge bottomless hole in the hearts and in the lives of his loved ones. While knowing he is in Heaven offers long term hope, it leaves little short term comfort.

How to you comfort the short journey of a son and a twin brother in such a tragic way? All we can do is pray and offer a hug, for words will do little to ease the burden that J.R., Susan Josh and Trey bear.

So we pray in their behalf and trust the Father to do what we cannot.


Tragedy feels no less to a Christian, except for the hope we have been promised-Paradise.
The steps of those who have gone before us, are left clearly in our faith.
One never understands value, until it has slipped from his hands, never to return on this earth.

Until the Son rises, hearts fail and return again.
In tragedy our faith is often thin, but the foundations are still unmovable.
You can never bury a loved one; they always live on, in your heart.

Jason Seal's graduation ceremony will live on as he will in our hearts. While I could not be there, I hear it was a wonderful gift from many hurting loved ones to those of us who never quite knew Jason well enough.

People who call Christianity a religion

don’t understand it is really a relationship.

One of the purpose of salvation is the freedom to be yourself.

Sorrow and comfort are enemies in in times of great loss.

Pride distorts legacy.

Thankfulness is a gift of a grateful spirit
