A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Friday, August 31, 2018

God’s call to resist evil was not just a suggestion!

‪In most occasions, Christian, the ones who look down on you now...will look up to you in the day that is coming. They wii not be looking at you because of who you are but because of Who is standing with you!‬

People will judge you by what you don't do, as well as, by what you are doing.

God teaches us the no man has a lesser purpose, just different ones.

Consider what you say about someone, someday they may be speaking about you.  

Speak the truth in love and be prepared to accept the consequences. 

The messengers can be no kinder than the truths they bear.

Put feet to your apology, or your remorse will go unheard.

Christians, Jesus never tires of you though you may of Him, or your journey, He loves you with an everlasting love.

It is not enough, to know your Bible; you must live the Bible you know!

Just remember that the US Supreme Court, isn’t...the Supreme Court!

Don’t try to live your life so that you have someting to brag about; but try to live a life that others can be thankful for!

True love is worth more than you could ever pay for it.

Even the blind can see kindness and the deaf can hear kindness. Kindness is heard in what you say but is only felt by what you do.

A good marriage is when one of you cries,  the tears fall into the other one’s life.

The truth is not a platform. The truth is a foundation.

Neither Democrats nor Republicans will have any say on Judgement Day!

As you give you will receive, as you forgive you will be given!

Romance is a process of learning to love someone more than yourself.

Posted By Blogger to  A Smoky Mountain HI at 8/31/2018 11:46:00 AM 

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Imagine if our churches were just more supportive than offendable.

Crumbling Faith, grasps any straw.

The more you comfort to this World...the less you are blessed!

Grace never gossips nor will a good heart chose or to do evil.

Theologians are people who exaggerate the possibilities of the unknown.

Study and pray that you will learn to to be right, righteously.

Every life that is stolen away by sin was first given by God with great hopes! Sin is a choice not a destination intended!

People use their selfishness to protect their sinfulness.
Faith makes you generous, doubt makes you a hoarder.

Jesus is the core of Christianity, but often you are the apple the world tastes first.

Smile like have never cried, give like you don’t know how to keep, show mercy like you have never had an enemy, fight like you don’t know how to lose, and love like you do not know how to hate.

God made everyone with the possibility to be all and who they can be, with his help, but can’t be without it.

The Bible is an open book of everlasting secretes.

Has anyone told you are worth while today?  

Has anyone told you that they love you yet today?

If not, let me be the first to tell you I love you and Jesus said you are, worthy enough, for Him to give His life for yours!

The best sin can do is ware a temporary mask.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The ultimate”pursuit of happiness” starts with being thankful for what you do have!

An aborted child is a lifetime burden. 

Freed only by God’s Grace.

Most folks want to be  varnished without the sanding.

One believer’s prayer, out numbers all of those who don’t.

“Church rules” are the way we brand our sheep.

“Biblical rules” are the way God brand His sheep.“

Love” is the brand of Christianity. 

Love Me first, says the Father, then love one another.

Fear is a blanket of insecurity, that we put over our weak faith.

If you cannot help everyone you meet today...help someone!

No husband can meet all his wife's needs. Don't expect your husband to do God's job!

No wife can meet all her husband's needs. Don't expect your wife to do God's job!

In order to be an overcomer, you must be on the move.

Learn all you can, then pray all you can, so you can do all you can!

Gossip is the “cursing language” of many church goers.

For sin to be somehow right, God has to be wrong...I wouldn’t count on that possibility.

There is nothing scarier than placing all of your faith in nothing. So, I could never be an atheists.

Blame is a game that keeps people from fixing anything else, but blame. 

Blame works best when the facts have failed you. 

Blame doesn’t rely on facts, their fiction becomes their fact. 

Blame is an emotional reaction to failure. 

Blame makes you feel better while making you worse.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

‪Grace is deep, so you can build on it, ‬
‪Grace is in front of you, so have no fear of you next step, ‬
‪Grace is behind you, so you don’t need to look back, ‬
‪Grace is beside you, so you never have to travel alone,
Grace is above you, so you can grow as tall as you want. ‬
Grace is within you, so you can be who and what God planned for you to be.

Why does everyone want transparency from others, and their causes, but doesn’t want to give transparency of themselves or their causes?

Most Christians love evangelism, missionaries, and prison ministries, as long as someone else is doing it...and they don’t have to pay for it.

Money will never be as valuable to as “Vertical Grace”.  While money may buy you a house, only “Vertical Grace” can get you to your Heavenly Home.

Reach for your work boots before you reach for the stars.

Guilt increases the distance between you and the ones that need your love now.

Only Christians can honestly muster hope out of tragedy.

Just because someone doesn’t care for you doesn’t mean that you should not care for them.

The worse lies are the ones you tell yourself because you think they come from a “credible source” you tend to believe them.

There is no clearance table where you to buy a cheap Salvation. It is your life for Jesus or you get no after life.

Only Hell can teach you the length of death. 
You really want avoid that lesson at all cost.

A successful life can often be earned “against to odds”, but Heaven is not one of them!

Some “church folks”are better critics than fixers.

Leaders are limited by the workers they hire. 

Leaders hire to grow a company not to maintain a company. 

Leaders hire folks who are smarter than them or they end up dummer than they should have been. 

Leaders reward the sweat of others!

Be a blessing. It is the least and the best you can be. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and blessed  to have.

For the things that are possible we should be doing, for the things that are impossible we should be praying.

A chaff filled life is cluttered with other people’s problems; that only they can fix, while draining off energy you need  for the important things in your own life.

Dominance is an illusion of your self-worth.

Dominance feeds your ego while diminishing your value. 

The domination of someone else, does not make you better in anyway..only being better than you were is true dominance.

Every blessing is pregnant with a lesson! 

Salty salt is God working in you…tasteless salt is you working all by yourself.

Solitude is a gift to those hurrassed by activity, burdened by the noise of “business”, loneliness is a curse most often, self imposed is bound by hopelessness... freed only by Faith, self-effort and right choices.

Taking a chance is a challenge...that if you win you get a smile or if lose you get a lesson.

I have found one the very best ways to avoid temptation, is to avioid it.

Loneliness is a prison of your own building, leaving you with the only key.  Others on the outside may be reaching in but you still have the only key....your willingness.

If you are a Christian, Satan cannot steal your joy, you will have to give it to him...either willingly or through neglect. 

You will never be holy as long as you are in management.

Every preacher worth his salt has more notes than he can preach.

A sermon is always purposed to say more than a  preacher can say on his own.

Helping others may not lengthen your life but it will deepen it considerably.

Pastors learn to say and to believe more than you have experienced and let faith carry the day. You, have your limits...but God knows none whatsoever!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Nothing is impossible with God...nothing, of lasting value, is possible without God!

The optimist plan on what could go right; the pessimist plan on what could go wrong...a wiseman plans for both.

A closed mind only sees what is inside itself...and no more.

Go straight to mercy; it is the power of recovery, the hope of growth, and the fruit of the future...then Forgiveness!

Grace cannot be bought, sold, bargained for in any way, nothing you can do can earn you a drop of Grace. It is a Gift take it or leave it.

Hate must defend itself because it has no allies.

Most of us, have far more information, than we have willingness.

Wisdom sees what is right even while doing wrong...courages rescues the right from the wrong.

Always be positive, even when you are surrounded by negative. Someone must shine even in the darkest of darkness...Let it be you!

If Jesus is your rock; don't sweat when you hit "Rock bottom"...

It doesn’t make any difference if a Democrat, Republican, Independent or a Libertarian said it or not; truth is still true and a lie is still a lie. 

A twisted lie is never true or a twisted truth is still a lie. 

Why is easier, these days, to tell you  what college or football team I love, than it is the fact that I love Jesus?

A godly woman is no more important than a godly man...nor any less important.

It is harder to find a bigger or better blessing than hearing someone say  “I love you.”

Most of the people in your life will either teach you a lesson, or bring you a special blessing.

You will find a loved one, generally in packages of more than one.

Thieves steal from themselves the most, and their loved ones next, and finally what the took from us.

The worth of your faith is often miscalculated in the times it is not challenged!

Principles, now a days, tend to reflect the immediate more then the ultimate.

Sometimes we forget the value of what we have forgotten.

Experience is the worse teacher. It gives the problem first and then the lesson afterwards.

Be thin with your criticism and thick with your praise.

What or whomever matters the most to you, will never be set aside because you are too busy for them or it. 

Just because it is hard doesn’t mean it is not right. 
Rev John Rush

Being right and acting right can not be separated without hypocrisy occurring.

Some people cannot see anything wrong with what they do, until they see the tears in the eyes of the ones they love...some not even then😭.