A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Sons and daughters do what fathers have done. Father pray before you lead and pray twice before you give your children correction or advice.

Children walk where fathers have gone, and in the directions the father has chosen so be careful and wise, fathers.

Father’s Day is a day of opportunity to be a real dad...but everyday after Father's day is every bit as important.

The older I get the more I realize you can never earn a minute in Heaven if there is no Grace I'm not getting in at all. But Grace there is!

Jesus is the ultimate "old friend" He will always be there for you and has been a friend of sinners, and has always "been" here or there for us.

Count your friend, and that will tell you how wealthy you really are.

A son’s success is a father’s honor.

Sometimes regret is the bitterness that comes from unethical success.

Marriage is a gift populated with life long changes.

If you don't fail as a father you are not trying. Fatherhood is not being perfect but it is to keep leading in the right direction.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Life is full of the opportunities to do right, or wrong; only you can make those choices right.

Grace is the power to forgive, what you can't forgive, without it.

Gratitude is always the right attitude.

Forgiveness is the beginning of progress, for all involved.

A good reputation is what you earn by doing what is right but are never paid for in cash.

May your memories be crowded with hope! May your tomorrows be stuffed with expectations.

Live life like it is a gift, learning the importance life can teach, and leave behind a godly reputation.

Grace is the power to forgive, what you can't forgive, without it.

Gratitude is always the right attitude.

Forgiveness is the beginning of progress, for all involved.

Excuses never produce success, progress, or sympathy.

My life's plan is to rejoice today, rejoice tomorrow, rejoice in the days to come...Should I wake up in Heaven? The plan is the same, no change.


Friday, June 09, 2017

Teach your kids about taxes.  Eat 30% of their ice cream.

It is when you have the most to gain that you have the most to lose; it is also when the temptation to give in or give up is the greatest.

It is when you are the very troubled waters of life, that find out if you are in the right boat.

It is in the midst of failure that the windows of possibilities emerge and the roads to success become more obvious.

When you live closer to the world than you do God, it is easier to be discouraged than it is to be encouraged.

Why is that the pro-choice movement never extends the choice to the babies as to whether they want to die or not?

Knowing Jesus is reason enough to rejoice in His Grace, trust in His is guidance, and love His Word.

Truth always triumphs in the end, in the meantime, only the truth that is adhered to is relevant, until tragedy overtakes man's foolishness.

A man the can think beyond 140 characters is smart, a man that understands beyond the 140 characters is intelligent, but the wise man can think and see beyond both.

It seems that the more important you are, the less valuable become; you tend to get caught up in how important you are, thinking less about the needs of others.

Sometimes, it is hard to be grateful when you don't want to be or don't feel like it, but that is when gratefulness will help you the most.

Being "wronged" is just wrong, but an unwillingness to forgive the one who "wronged" you is even worse for you.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Respect is not always given to those who have eared it; often it is wasted on those who demand it.

When your life is in pieces, remember only God can put it back together again, and when he does it will likely look a good bit different.

Freedom always cost the one who preserved it, for you, more than those who are enjoying it now.

If you were perfect then you would have no reason to be thankful; it is that you are improving on your weakness that makes you thankful.

The only boundaries on Grace are the put ones we put on it, without our demands and restrictions, Grace has none of its own.

Learn to snuggle more than you struggle, give more that you are taking, and love more than you are loved, and all will go well for you.

Learn to snuggle more than you struggle, give more that you are taking, and love more than you are loved, and all will go well for you.

It is in the midst of failure that the windows of possibilities emerge and it the roads to success become more obvious.

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Christianity hardens your resolve against sin and softens your heart towards the sinner.

You may not always know where you are going but you can see your next step so move forward, never backwards, except to change directions.

Sometimes, God blesses you because you ask for help, sometimes because you need help, and don't know  it, and sometimes He just wants to bless you.

It is always a hard week when you have weak faith but weak faith grows into to a strong Faith, so keep on keeping on, a going and a growing.

"Free speech" is the cry of the offender wanting to justify a verbal assault. But it is called slander when someone uses against them.

Love is always complicate and wonderful as it strengthens or weakens, its ebb and flow thrills or saddens; love is preciously priceless.

No consequences are ever born alone, be they good or bad.

Sad is the man who cannot pray; hard is the heart of the man who will not pray.

Giving without loving is like serving stale bread. It is good for nourishment but leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Friday, June 02, 2017

Love gives more than it thought it could, more often than it should, because it wanted to, and will want to do every time it can. It is love's nature.

Pain is the body's way of saying it is in need of a physician; worry is the soul's way of saying it is in need of the Great Physician, depression means you may need both.

Today maybe one of the best, one of the most challenging, just average, or one of the worst, but Jesus will travel with you every step way.

Jesus made you out of dust, to become something more than you were, before His hand touched your dust, and He will, if you are but willing.

Love continues because it is constantly being reproduce by the one loving for the one loved.

Fear says; "I can't, so I won't".  Faith says; I can't, but God can, so I will."

Often the very best moments of your life cannot be told to anyone other than the one who we shared it with or the One who gave it.

Parents believe in you and your possibilities more than anyone else; but God believes in you when they will not or cannot.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

The need to change is often motivated by God trying to get you to avoid a difficult or disastrous outcome. Change is hardest when you must.

The easiest time to change is before a tragedy has occurred, before injury to you or a loved one is hurt. When you know it is time to change, change!

God never stagnates, in your life, He is always trying to better you even though He takes you just as your are He is busy helping to do and be better.

“Modesty is not just a woman’s issue, and our Enemy delights in the fact that we think it is.” Lucy Moll

Finding someone worse that you is no excuse for you to keep on sinning. There is no one better or worse than you that should dictate your behavior. You are responsible for your behavior and you alone.

It doesn't matter how hard life hits you; someday, it will be your turn at bat! Swing for the fence!

Trivia tries its best to be important, never allow it to replace what need to be done in your day.