A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

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Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Forgivers keep no record.
Either you forgive or you must carry the offender’s burden.
A grudge is a grave of your own digging.
Self-pity is a solo that is never accompanied by a choir.
Everyone you meet in life can taste your bitterness.
Pride is a prison that keeps mercy enclosed.
Fears make you subject to the ruler of incomprehensible darkness.
You cannot trust someone you have not forgiven.
Forgive or leave the consequences with your family.
When you get a good glimpse of your sins, it is easier to forgive others.
We tend to view our own weaknesses with mercy and other people’s weaknesses with judgment.
There is never enough time to do nothing at all.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving is the beginning of forgiving.
Unless you forgive, your family serves the time, for someone else’s crime.
Learn to be thankful for what you have, not unhappy because of what you want.

Borrowed time, borrowed air, free salvation, love to share, all are worthy of thankful care.
Regrets are not good sleeping companions.

True happiness gets its sweetness from Jesus’ everlasting joy.
Be thankful there is at least one way to God, through Jesus, His Son, not angry that it is the only way.
Whatever you have and whatever you hope to have are all only available through God’s Grace…Be thankful every time you think of them.
Whatever you are not thankful for, is not your to keep.
Thanksgiving comes at the expense of unhappiness, as it must go away so Thanksgiving can come.
A thankful man can never be a failure.
Whenever you feel down, go to
Feast on your blessing and starve your doubts.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Too many preacher are so busy “lowering the boom” on us; they forget they need to crack the door of heaven, once in a while.
Preacher that are constantly tells us, how sorry we are without Jesus, neglect to tell us how special we are with Jesus.
Jesus prepared to preach for thirty years but only preached three.…“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
The less you study, the less you have to say; no matter how long is takes you to say it.
Jesus’ life did not make a whole lot of difference until He began to testifying about the Father… yours won’t either…
One of the reason Jesus make such an impact on this world is because His life matched His words.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Everyone is a believer or a pre-believer; the question is, will you believe in  Jesus now, or later when it is too late?
Mercy, in some form, reminds us of our guilt and our need for forgiveness.
Mercy is the foundation of all Christian happiness.
Mercy comes from someone, whose mercy is not due.
Mercy is given not to excuse what you have done but is given from the heart of the grantor.
Forgiveness gives you a rock on which to build a future that criticism can never provide.
Mercy is the fruit of your own forgiveness.
Forgiveness is offered by God but only you can accept it.
The harder it is for you to forgive, the harder your heart becomes.
Pride is a huge hindrance, to your ability to forgive.
Humility is how you feel about the mercy you are giving.
It is out of your own forgiveness, that mercy blossoms.
Is it true you are never right as long as your wife disagrees with you?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Marriage is the blending of two special lives into a new significance.
Pray or regret you didn’t.
You do not have to “have” to be happy.
Sin lacks the eloquence to make any eternal sense.
Repent before you pray.
Sin is more than just the act; it is the process of become comfortable being with the ungodly, and with becoming ungodly.
Doubt that your doubts are more important than your Faith.
Some things are not prejudicial; they are just the facts.
One does not have to have others, to find happiness.
Becoming thankful is a gift to oneself.
Prayer is part making up with God and part waking up to God.
Prejudice is seeing things from your perspective, rather than God‘s.
Retirement is a combination of pent up laziness and committed restfulness.
Retirement has nothing to do with becoming useless; it is using yourself is a different way.

Blessed is he who is purposely happy.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy is he who wins without guilt.
“I’m not perfect” should mean, I am striving to be better; not it is Ok to sin.
Unhappiness is more that a heartbreak; it is the absence of hope.
Sin comes from a decaying heart; the more you sin; the greater the decay.
Your willingness to sin is the beginning of the purposeful deception your own heart.
Just because you think that sin is not sin is irrelevant; it is what God says is sin that matters.
Sin brings consequences that go well beyond what happens when you first get caught.
Sin and righteousness never sing in harmony.
A Glad Spirit is born out of gratitude.
You can change the outside to a smile; but only God can change the inside to a smile.
The best way to finish last is to take the shortcut.
Fast company leads to moral speeding tickets.
It is not what you do for God but what God does in you that matters.
A Christian’s life is a prayer with a paintbrush.
Do what matters and you will matter.
Finding out you cannot do something is important what you do next is paramount.
A grateful heart is healthy heart.
What I have I cannot keep; it is what I give that is waiting for me.
Enjoying what you have is the key to having what you enjoy.
God is better than your Faith.
One of the best ways to lose heart, is to not fight for your faith.

What you won't do is as revealing as what you will do.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Prayer is not to wake up God to your circumstance, but to wake you up to God’s possibilities.
Sin is a heart attitude as much as it an action.
Sin is the blight of happiness.
Sin is not always a deed done; it is often a kindness left undone.
Happiness is a reaction to a blessing; joy is a reaction to God.
Hope is the field where happiness grows.
Gratitude is the soil of happiness.
Prayer is a perpendicular gift from God for you to communicate with Him; He already is communicating with you.
Sin is an attempt to deceive your own heart.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Prayers are saturated with possibilities.
In the world, you can be successful and still be completely wrong.
In the world, you can be successful without being truthful; just not happy.
A church or a preacher cannot make you spiritual; that is your choice alone.
If you are truthful and filled with Love you cannot fail.
Does your circumstance determine your attitude of does your attitude dictate how you face your circumstances?
Learn to rejoice even when your “tree of life” is full of lemons.
Your attitude tells others about  the attitude of your God.
Jesus said “No matter what happens I have your back…I’ve got you covered”.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Righteousness is given not earned; but it will come with a self- maintenance contract you must enforce.
Only Christian’s can be truly happy because only Christians have the ultimate access to happiness.
Until you are living your purpose in life, it is only and idea, not your purpose.
Whatever you do not share, in marriage, become a liability.
Marriage is not a partnership it is a union.
The more you work at loving each other, the happier your marriage becomes…yes, it is sometimes work, to love one another!
It is wisdom that cause you to see “the wonder of it all“.
Without wisdom, the right questions cannot arise.
Prayer is the only shortcut to a miracle.
Love that fails is only “deep like“.
Memories have a way, of bring a smile to your face, or a trickle down your cheek.
Consciously give to those unconscious of your generosity.

Modesty dwells not only in the heart of the wearer; but in the eyes of those who see it.
God is not Faithful to your laziness.
You are never “on your own” either God is helping you or Satan is hindering you.
Are you too busy paying attention to life or are you busy praying for God’s attention to your life.
Never give up until God says no.
Success is when others win as well as you.
It is far better to do “His Thing”, than to “do your own thing“!
One of the best ways to loose money is to not give any away.

Love is a gift you constantly peruse, yet never loose.
Jesus is fighting the battles, of your life, and He cannot loose.
Christians cannot live a defeated life; that is only for Satan and his followers.


When your heart is not in touch with God, eventually, you become immoral.
It really does not matter who is the worst sinner; what matters who has been washed in the Blood of the Lamb.
If you ever think God is wrong; it is you who are wrong.
Love is a gentle, purposeful, invasion of privacy.
May the Grace of God be busy continually in your life.
Thrilling Faith is always dousing, all of those around them, with seeds of the Gospel.
TV is busy trying to teach you to be nicer to sin…There  is no nice sin...
Be nice to sinner but not to their sins.
Christians…live like you have something worth dying for!
If Jesus is not the Lord of your life; His Grace is wasted on you.
Jesus was more righteous than religious so should you be!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The best part of any weakness is your awareness of it.
Knowing what is right is the worst part of dong wrong.
An untold truth leaves, too much room, for lies to grow.
If you fail to love, everything else you do, is a failure as well.
Every peacemaker must first begin with God.
Sharing, oils the wheels of happiness.
The pains of your consequences are well earned.
Satan is authorized to steal, whatever you are unwilling, to give to God.
There is no reason to pray, about what God has already said, in the Bible or told you in your heart.
If you are a Christian, you will be continually be changing for the better, until you die.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sinners die; Christians just go home.
Gentleness is a strength, bridled.
There is a vast difference between what I think is right and what I know is right.
Hardships are easier to bare, when you share.
The Bible teaches you that your enemies are your neighbors as well.
Doing right, causes you to live right, which impresses your family and friends; while startling others.
Either your family is more important than your job or you don’t understand God’s plan for your life.
Love enriches every life; hate spoils every life.
Hate will steal any prosperity you may otherwise have.
Wealthy people have difficulty making dollars into sense.
Jesus died for the wealthy, as well as, the poor.
Jesus loves the Muslims and died for their sins, just as did  for the sins of the rest of the world.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

If I don’t learn another thing; I will be kept busy trying to live up to what I already know.
Jesus is a tearful gift from God to redeem your wretched soul.
Following your heart’s desires is what got you into sin to begin with; what you need is a new heart…from the Father God through Jesus Christ.
Without Jesus you have lost control of your life, whether you know it or not.
Many churches and people have confused entertainment with happiness.
If you change your life without God, you still end up in Hell, if you change your life with God you live forever, in Heaven.
Blessed are those who realize that, without God, they are bankrupt…and do something about it!
Too many churches have entrance requirement; that God doesn’t.
Being meek and gentle are not weaknesses.
The gentle and the meek get to enjoy thing, that others are too busy to notice.

Friday, November 15, 2013

You are what you are, until you change who you are, to what you want to be…then you will be who you want to be.
There is little accidental happiness; but there is a lot of spontaneous happiness; for the Christian.
Listen to learn; then change to be better not to be worse.
Love lingers as close to the one loved as possible; always there even when they are not.
Never forget those who stayed by you; when all of the “others” in your life were gone.
Love is the only bridge between the living and the dead.
Love seems best when the words are gone but you are still there.
Bold face love should decorate your marriage.
Smile when you’re weak, as well as, you do when you are strong; it aggravated your enemies while encouraging your friends.
Love is a healer, not just a binder of wounds.
Courage is the proper regulation of fear.
Money cannot buy honesty or integrity, morals or manners  those you must charged to your character.
Jealousy is not a sign of love but of the lack of it.
Love thrives in your mind; but lives in your heart.
Knowing that someone truly loves you is the ultimate romance.
Purpose contains more than words.
God’s purpose for your life is not subject to other people’s opinions.
The passion of brevity is to relieve boredom.
Stubbornness is misguided purpose…perseverance is the pursuit of the right  purpose.
Being in love means that your heart reaches father than your arms.
Band together all of your hopelessness and give it to Jesus.
Ideas are purposes yet to come.
It is better to have a good idea at the wrong time, than to have a bad at idea at the opportune time.
It seems that a tweet often provides an advanced copy of one’s ignorance.
Doing something, without a purpose, is a waste of time; fortunately, doing nothing, or saying nothing often is done on purpose.
Remember that God never takes a break but He does give them.

Jesus saves you; the Bible leads you; the church feeds you; and the brethren encourage you.
Too many church members like Jesus; too few love Him.
The Gospel never fails but people do.
People need to see your Christian life; and then they need to know how you do it.
Jesus came, with God’s Grace, for the worst first and the good last.
The sinners can see the good in the Christians, but also see the gaps.
You will never be “good enough” to live without God’s Grace.
Being happy makes others, consider its possibility.
You are the “preacher” of your Christian life.
Religion never saved anyone; only Jesus can do that.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

When you do right amongst those who want to do wrong; the truth becomes a curse.
The world is where a Christian is to shine; without a church you tend to loose your shine.
When it comes to God, His faithfulness, is not affected by your unfaithfulness.
The are more “important people” than there are valuable people.
Gossip is “chin discord”.
Not going to a church is a direct disobedient response to Jesus’ command of “Forsake not the gathering of yourselves together with other believers”.
If you have “been redeemed“, then you will have to “live redeemed“.
Becoming a Christian means that you are willing to accept Christ’s forgiveness, and you are unwilling to continue in your sins.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Before you think you are better than someone else,  compare yourself to Jesus.
Genuine love expects more from itself than from others.
The hardest part of having devotions is showing up.
God has a lifetime plan for you; not just a five year plan.
What you do tells others, where you are; spiritually.
There is eternal security for the believer; but not for just the church go-ers.
Part of the “Presence of God” resides in every believer…get to know as many as you can.
There will be a time when, time will be no more, and you will be, where you will always be.
Where church rule increase; God’s presence will decrease.
Going to church is a testimony for Jesus; not going to church is a testimony against Jesus.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Forgiveness frees you from bitterness and surrounds the offender with their own guilt.
I’m Ok if I have Jesus; you’re Ok if you have Jesus, without Him neither of us are Ok.
Marriage and parenting must come with copious amounts of pre-forgiveness, love that goes beyond misunderstanding, and is constantly buoyed by hope..
One of the main goals of being a Christian is hunger others for His presence, done so, by you living who He is!
Let God set the boundaries for your life; not the church, men, or society.
Jesus never leads you in conflict with the Bible; not under any circumstances…ever.
Only God can provide help, hope, and happiness.
Love nurtures your heart; teaching, and preparing it, to give, to serve, and to receive love from others.
If you think you are too important to help a fallen brother, you have become arrogant, not important.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mercy bring blessing to generations to come.
God the Father, loves you so much that, He gave what you could not, to gain what you would have not,…eternal life through the Blood of Jesus; His son.
Christians are “non-abandonable“, “ unabandonable“ and can never be left alone, or lonely!
The greatest thing about being a Christian is not the feelings you gain, nice as they are; but the knowledge that you now belong to Jesus, and to be able to share with those who lack that knowledge..
Christians are designed to live forever…praise the Lord.
If your “Christian walk” only takes you to church and not to the lost around you; you have miss the meaning of your “Christian walk“.
As a Christian, you have God within you, but you can never be God.
Sinners, remember, that God is not interested in getting even with you; but He does want to love you and redeem you!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Love your neighbor, love yourself, love your spouse, love the brethren, even love your enemies; these are His minimum  demands for your love.
What risk have you taken to love someone?
Jesus was the first missionary to the Gentiles, not Paul…(the woman at the well was a Samaritan).
God loves you so much, He gave you value, that is more than your worth.
Your love for this world means your are either an enemy of God or becoming one.
Jesus is always right; you could be right.
Someone who is always looking for what is wrong never gets to savor what is right.
The giving of compassion and mercy, deliver the greatest blessings in return.
Your understanding of Jesus; is how you live your Christian life, or the lack of it.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Sin begins with reluctance and ends in disobedience.
Love nurtures in the heart, which grows it, and then serves it diligently; finally, sharing it as best it can each day.
Whatever you have is a pittance compared to what God has prepared for you.
Christians are not people who prayed and felt better; it is people who prayed and do better.
A person who prayed and did not change, just had a conversation with someone, but not with Jesus.
I have had so many blessings, in this Christian life, and still the best is yet to come!
God’s love is invasive, invigorating, inclusive, and everlasting.

Friday, November 08, 2013

The more you sin the less you succeed at being valuable in life.
A true Christian lives his love for Jesus in their life.
When a Christian purposely sins he bruise every member of the Church of Jesus Christ, bring pain where he could never imagine.
Without Jesus no prayers are answered.
May your life say more than can be written on your tombstone.
Sin start with pleasure and ends with tragedy.
The more you know about God the less confused you become about life.
What I have or what I have done is unimportant, compared to; who I am and Whose I am.

Never leave your life solely to the faith of others; exercise you own.
A thief steals the most, from his own character.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

In Christ, you have a fortress of happiness that can never be breached.
Happiness bubbles up; unhappiness sours.
Happiness or unhappiness can be covered up of a while; but the behaviors of either will show up as time passes.
You can have God with you; but you cannot be God.
Marriage is good when, love fills your lives over and over again.
A Christian’s life, should so saturated with love, that when anyone brushes by their life, they are left with the residue of love.
Understanding comes with exquisite faith.
Death never ends it all; for the believer or the unbeliever.

Learn to thank God for the good in the midst of a bad day.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

What your believe is the basis for all of your behavior.
God delivered the people of Israel not Moses.. Glorify Him.
It is only through forgiving others that you gain forgiveness for your own sins…Jesus said.
Christians are “unabandable’.
Being a Christian is a relationship with Jesus not just a feeling or a knowledge that Jesus exists.
You were not born to be privileged; you were born to be redeemed, that makes you so special..
When you doubt you lose possession of what you had hoped for.

When you see your “six pack” become a “twelve pack” you know that age is attacking you through the mouth.
The value of your soul was determined but the price paid for it, through the Blood of Jesus, that shed for you; not by what you have done.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The tragedy of loneliness is that there is no one to share it with.
Love is the power you use to exerciser “Bold Kindness”.
Doubt is when you paralyze yourself with fear.
Abandonment is a feeling reserved for the lost; Christians can no longer feel it.
If your Christian walk is only about going to Heaven; you have missed the point of being “Born Again“.
God is never surprised by your problems but rather He has make provisions for you to overcome every single one of them.
People who commit suicide always leave their body in someone else’s life.
Never allow temporary circumstances to determine your  eternal choices.
Sin never brings any “good” consequence.

Monday, November 04, 2013

If you are know for your defense of the Constitution more, than your defense of the Bible, your theology is all wrong.
Politics is where you live now: theology is about where you are going to be living.
If you are known more your political views, than you are for your Christian walk; you are lost in the wrong fight.
If your Christian life can be separated from your political life; you have no Christian life.
Politics are not sinful; your denial of your Christian principles are!
The Bible. supersedes every government, in every way, not just occasionally, or when it is convenient.
The Constitution is the law of the land; the Bible is the law of the heart.
The Constitution is about controlling men; the Bible is about redeeming man.
The Constitution is based on the Bible, but if there is a conflict between it and The Bible; the Bible is always right, as The Bible is the ultimate Truth.
The Constitution is written on paper; the Word of God is written on your hearts.
Do right by God before you attempt to do right by man.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Happiness does not reside in what you accumulate around you; but rather by, what you have accumulated inside your heart.
A true pacemaker must first make peace with God.
Being a peacemaker will  remake you.
Sin is a normal reaction to temptation; being a Christian makes you abnormal to this world.
Trouble avoids peace.
Peacemakers never enlist appeasement as a weapon because it never works long-term.

The question is; are you planning a way to get even? or Are trying to find away to make peace?
Your life protects what you treasure.

You don’t live the truth so everything will turn our right, but because it is right.
Satan will steal what you are willing to give.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

If your pastor only tells you what you want to hear, he can never tell you what you need to hear.
If you need something to please yourself ; you really don’t need it; If you need something to help  to you win the lost, you need it.
If you church is only a “meet and greet” church, it is failing miserably.
Some people are blunt on their way to being rude.
Bullies are people that want to pass on their pain to someone else.
Whenever you resist God others will feel the pain as well.
Hope creates envy but a good kind.
Your unwillingness to forgive will become your greatest burden.

Friday, November 01, 2013

It is better to live Jesus than to preach Him.
Missionaries are fishermen who use their lives as bait.
Every Christian does less that they expect they should but every Christian is are more value able than their work shows.
Never allow yourself to become more religious than useful.
An ignorant Christian is a liability; an apathetic Christian is a shame.
Every hardened heart must first turn away from Faith.
Faith fills you with Hope, then hungers you for more.
It is easier to talk about your church and your religion than it is to talk about Jesus.
The Bible does not need your interpretation; it means what it says.