A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hope is the shell of possibilities.

The blessings of giving, visits few.

Uncork the bottle of righteousness and pour out liberally.

One must forgive to be forgiven.

Charity without recognition is an endangered species.

Change is the result of effort plus cooperation.

Maybe you cannot have what you want, so you may want to settle for what your need.

Thankfulness is the beginning of understanding.

Need is the fuel of work.

Never say never unless it is illegal or immoral.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The upside of compassion is satisfaction.

Measure yourself with a short stick and others with a long one.

A helping hand often requires the whole body.

Never underestimate the power of involvement.

Fortitude brings gratitude.

Gratitude is the proper response to every good deed.

Perspiration brings you from the likely to the possible.

Think, after you understand, as well as before.

Be yourself to find yourself.

Truth can be sweet to one and bitter to another. It is the taste buds that need attention.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thankfulness is a requirement for the strong and a necessity for the weak.

Fall in the mountains is a feast for the eyes.

When you are what you believe you are content.

Character counts, only when you apply it.

Marvel at your blessing, but be thankful always.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Headed to the cabin for Thanksgiving see you Monday.

Truth is the food of wisdom.

A troubled heart is a result of lack of Faith or a refusal to choose right.

If all truth comes from God, how dare I ignore it?

Your opinion about truth does not change truth.

Learn to serve God because you want to not because you have to.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The farther you run from truth the more you question its existence.

Fear saps the energy of the believer.

Harvest your dreams by the sweat of your brow.

Have compassion on the failures of others.

There are no mansion in Hell.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Learn to find the treasures of God in others.

Fear erodes principle.

It is not your weakness that counts but His strength.

It is not the faith of the Samaritan that is celebrated but his compassion.

Remembering where you came from is less important than know where you are going.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Imagination it the television of the mind.

Honor is something you give before you receive.

One does not find Faith, Faith grows in the soil of Hope.

Remind others of their goodness, their faithfulness, and their kindness.

Feed and comfort the reborn as you would the newborn.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hope springs eternal, only for those who know where they are going, eternally.

One should enjoy a blessing more than he understands one.

Poverty and laziness are not the same thing.

Poverty is a debt but laziness is a mockery.

Hunger is a gift to the lazy and a curse to the poor.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Estimate you success by His ability.

Measure your success by His measuring scale.

Laughter is joy in the making.

Be on guard, your tongue is your enemy; you will likely say too much, too little, too late.

Satisfaction comes not from you have done, but from what He has done with you.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Observe the outside Christian and you should know the inside one.

The intensity of your integrity reveals your level of your commitment.

Only fill your heart with righteousness and pour only love from it.

Your eyes search to satisfy the deceit or your heart.

Thank God for His answers before you see them, then thank Him again when you do.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Love does not keep score.

If you can count good deeds, you have not done enough.

Compassion is good, action is better.

Cut the cake so your bother gets the biggest piece.

Dream and then work.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Accountability brings credibility.

What God cannot not bless, you dare not have.

How far are you from where you want to be?
The easy answer is; How far are you from God?

Do right to avoid doing wrong.

What you have done for others is
what is memorable about your life.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The smile of a child brings peace.

To make righteous judgments you must spend considerable time with the Righteous One.

Faith is not lost but is given away.

Fear is faith in Satan.

Careless Christians are dangerous.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

When there is no hope, faith takes over.

There is no free market for sin. There are always consequences.

The fear of many is overcome, by the faith of a few.

To laugh is to yield to happiness.

Sincerity is silver, truth is gold.

Thank God before you doubt God.

The price of freedom is at the cost of many.

Rejoice in the prosperity of others.

To become, as a little child, you must give up your prejudices.

You cannot put the soul of a Christian behind bars.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Hope is faith in work clothes.

Forget what you forgive or forgive again, if you cannot.

Consider the price of friendship before you say what you think.

Honesty, without love is a hammer.

Time invested is time saved.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Put a second guard on your tongue when in pain or in anger.

Always try the right things and avoid the wrongs things.

Hope is the shoes of Faith.

Nowhere, is not a destination you are headed somewhere.

One step towards temptation becomes a direction.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

You cannot do enough to pay for your sins.

Your will never be able to show God how worthy you are by what you have done.

It is not about you it is about Jesus.

Your works on this earth are not to impress Jesus but to reflect Jesus.

Sow the seeds of blessing in the lives of those you meet each day.