A Smoky Mountain HI

Here is a journey I make each day. Time flows on this side of eternity. I have aged as gracefully as reasonable as can be be expected, and yet feel not a day older in my mind. As I begin a life in the Smoky Mountains I hope you will share my journey as well. www.kleincabin.com

My Photo
Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States

Retired summer 2010. I am married (wife, Carol, 55 years) with two married children and four grandchildren...one Toy Poodle. Presently live in Tennessee or Florida but spending summers in our cabin in the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains near Gatlinburg. Five + acres, three streams, and two ponds. Taught college 13 years Florida, Alaska and Tennessee, wife also a teacher. She teaches computer, ABE, GED etcetera. I was the evening supervisor of an adult education school of about 900 students. Minister of counseling at New Hope Fellowship Church of the Nazarene.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Whatever is separating you from the Love of God, is your choice.
In general, the world is run by people who care more about themselves than they care about you.
The sacrifice of popularity is too great a price for most leaders to pay, to just to do what is right.
Fear is the father of “political correctness.”
You always end up encouraging yourself when you encourage others.
Love strives to leave the loved one in better condition than itself.
Forgiveness purges hatred.
Good luck is most often watered by the sweat of your brow.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Faith cannot avoid criticism but neither can it be deterred by it.
Forgiveness is an anxiety killer.
Time is the currency of life, spend it or it spends itself.
Every moment is a potential memory.
There is birth and death and whatever lies in-between is yours to make a difference.
A good moment can flavor an entire lifetime.
The name of Jesus is divides people.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Love without compassion is like hunger without food.
In order to do more with less, I must tend to “the less” with great diligence.
Without prayer, everything I do is guesswork.
Step by step is as fast as I can go towards anywhere worth going.
If the Holy Spirit does not lead you; you are lost.
The Bread Of Life, (The Bible), is the comfort food for Christians.
Christians have a “take it or leave it” relationship with prayer; once they take the time for prayer, they don’t what to leave it.

Friday, January 24, 2014

In order to embrace happiness, I must forgo bitterness.
Good memories are the bridges over the difficulties in my life, connecting my happiness with my joys.
Marriage has brought a richness to my life attainable in no other relationship.
Compassionate works come from a compassionate heart; a compassionate heart is a gift from God.
A companionate heart is a by-product of becoming a Christian; others may have one, but a Christian must.
You cannot recover what is lost; you can only use what is left, wisely.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

It is one thing to be happy; it is quite another to spread happiness.
Peace provides its own prosperity.
 Love eagerly aspires for the happiness for the one it loves.
Active Faith is all I know that can replace the drudgery of failure with the joy of success.
 Without God, all that one may do, is to Him, a loss.
Progress is more than wanting to move in the right direction; it is doing so this moment.
 In order to not see God one would have to look where He is not, but as He is everywhere, that is impossible; so I must choose, then, not to see Him anywhere, to not see him at all.
People become uncomfortable when you are certain of things they are not.
It is one thing to live cheaply; it is another thing to give cheaply.
Your “secrete sins” become landmines for your loved ones.
Blessed is he who does not consider who will get the credit.
To often we try to use God for a fire escape, from the fires that we started.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Christian must be godly enough to be useful and useful enough
to point to godliness.

Your talent that is gathering dust is causing loss, somewhere.
Manners are best when they represent who you are, not just how you act in a moment.
Travail awaits, he who seeks what his heart must have; where it cannot be found.
Never allow what is, to replace what can be.
Prayer warriors are “God’s Geek Squad.”
A righteous prayer can fix anything…“Ask and you shall receive.”

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It doesn’t matter if you are "good" sinner or a bad one, both will be losers in the end.
You cannot do enough “good “ to deserve keeping your pet sins.
Faith is an anchor; sin is a millstone around your neck.
Being surrounded by worse sinners, will never excuse yours.
A “Phariseeacle Church” has only saints, but every Christian Church has both saints and sinners.
Love causes you to do better than you want to do; and to want to do better than you are doing.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Growing with weak faith is admirable; weakening your Faith is a tragedy in the making.
Saddest is a Christian’s face, with a heathen’s heart.
Children hear the Gospel in churches and homes and then believe it or leave it, often based on what they see of it.
People tend to believe what benefits them, rather than what chastises them.
Even evil wants to look good while doing wrong.
What you have made of yourself will soon pass away but what you have allowed God to make out of you, will last forever.
Backup your life with prayer and play your Faith forward.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

You leave a small scar on your Faith with every doubt.
People tend to feed on what satisfies their wants but choke at the work needed to meet their own needs.
Everyday you walk in darkness you see less and less of your Faith.
Evil is a choice; doing right is one too.
The secrets of your heart will be on billboards come Judgment Day.
Temptation always seeks to wear its best face.
People on earth hate the word “repent”; people in Hell hate the word “rejoice.”

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sadly, people tend to search their own weaknesses to find their strengths.
Your sacrifices will not make you godly; your love …Now that will help.
Love is the wrapping paper of every good gift.
Your heart’s intent is no secret to God.
Your willingness to work for something is an indication as to how much you actually want it, need it, or would just like it.
Success is sweaty sport.
If you are not doing good, you know it; if you are doing evil, others know it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Being treated unfairly and treating someone unfairly, brings differing consequences.
Happiness is a spontaneous choice.
It is better to be headed in the right direction with a few than in the wrong direction with a crowd.
The presence of God is a present from God to you.
My heart is not worth knowing until it is like God’s Heart.
A friend sees more in you, than of you.
Christians are not “brainwashed;” they are “soul-washed!”
A true Christian is stained red.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Resisting God is pro-active ignorance.
Remember that a Christian has a testimony to other believers, as well as, to the unbeliever.
Faith is the soup, prayer is the nourishment in it.
Marriage should make each other’s hard times softer, their good times richer and their lives better.
A missionary is someone who left everything they had, to gain something for others that they could have never had.
The difference between lust and love is the attitude of your heart.
There is no happiness in being the enemy of God

Friday, January 10, 2014

Love is the guardian of joy and joy produces happiness.
Attitude is the difference between drudgery and discovery.
The best impression you will ever leave on anyone is…Jesus!
Falling on love with your wallet is a great way to become unhappy.
The “app” for avoiding sin is Salvation.
Random acts of kindness are good and fun but it is the ever diligent heart of kindness that does the most.
It is never too late to admit that you were wrong about thinking you were right.

“Guard your tongue,” the Bible says; too many people say too much, about too little, too often.
The consistent work of a Christian is the diligent spreading of the Gospel to all and to any.
Love takes no vacations, nor any moments off.
The “forsaking, not the gathering together with believers” was not just a good idea; it is a necessity for your growth and the growth of others.
Hindered compassion is mercy unheeded.
“Conditional Love” is not love at all.
Love is the guardian of joy and joy produces happiness.
Attitude is the difference between drudgery and discovery.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Jesus is here to help you overcome what you could never overcome without Him.
The Holy Spirit is the compassionate Judge within you.
The Holy Spirit provides the power, to your wiliness to succeed, so where you could never have succeeded before Him, you now can.
There is no addiction or temptation that through Jesus you cannot, have victory.
When you make the same mistake twice it becomes a choice.
Never become comfortable with your sins or anyone else’s sins.
Divine love is the internal saturation of God's Love,in your soul.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

It is the passion of your heart that always guides whatever you do.
The Love of God can change you so significantly that neither your friends nor your enemies will recognize who you have become.
You get to choose how much the Love of God changes you.
The Love of God is unimaginably delicious.
Your love for others is the true determination of your love for yourself.
To whatever degree you will not love others, is selfishness.
Love cleanses your own soul before it reaches others.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

It is a New Year that we step into today; and new start in the direction of your choosing. Be it good or bad you are the one, who charts your course here on earth. It will be your own mind and heart that sets your destinations this year.
God, however, will use your obedience or your disobedience to His glory regardless of the course you choose. He is divine and all powerful and though you flee from Him where can you hide?
Your answers to Him now will be by your own lips, your judgment, proclaimed on that final Judgment Day. It will be your testimony that sets you free in Christ or condemns to eternal loss.
It is only God who can give the right to choose and it is only God that can help you choose the right way this year, or any other.
Therefore, choose you today whom you will serve while you can and before you cannot. If God be God, serve Him. If He is not, serve whom you please but whomever you choose other than God, will never please you in the end.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Love heals; bitterness scars.
Compassion overcomes what revenge has tried to destroy.
A jester of love allows a contentment that revenge and anger know nothing about.
If Jesus forgave you, you have no choice but to forgive those who have offended you…none!
As a Christian, the value of your testimony is the purpose of your life.
If I believe what I say I do, I will live what I believe.
How I behave, on my worst day on earth, is the foundation of my testimony.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Forgiveness is an act of humility.
The fruit of revenge is bitterness.
Bitterness is a self-inflicted cancer that spreads first through you to those you love and then to others you influence.
What I will not forgive in others cannot be forgiven in me.
Forgiveness brings a peace that anger can never provide.
Love is either the beginning of forgiveness or it dies on the vine.
The command to “love your enemies, do good to those who despitefully use you.” was not a joke!

Friday, January 03, 2014

13 Things I have found in 2013:
1) As I grow older in Jesus, I have found I tend to fight for more important things.
2) I have found that there is a difference between what I think is important and what Jesus says is important.
3) I have found that churches, denominations, and standards are less important than love, compassion, and forgiveness.
4) I found the less I judge. the quicker the Kingdom of God multiplies around me, the faster the lost are found, and the more rapidly the church I attend, grows.
5) I have found that tithing is better than saving; that giving is better than hording.
6) I have found the lost are often easier t
o find; than the found are to disciple.
7) I have found that Grace is more than just sufficient; it actually abounds, about the Christian in every possible way.
8) I have found that, today, the Love of God is more rich, meaningful, and mysteriously wonderful, than I thought it could be yesterday.
9) I found good sermons are not enough: but good living is.
10) I have found that the Bible is more important to my spiritual growth than I thought it was.
11) I have found that improving myself was the best way to improve my testimony.
12) I have found when I did my best, it was often not enough; I still need the help of God, Himself.
13) I have found that there is much more to learn than I thought I needed to learn; and it is still waiting for me to grasp from the Compassionate Christ who leads me into 2014...

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Complacency is self-imposed laziness.
Some people complain just to cover their shame.
Negativism is full of poisonous possibilities.
Few people complain about being blessed too much.
Making fun of normal makes you think you are normal.
Money is either a means of blessing or an obstacle to it.
Usually, when I think things are impossible, it means “I think it requires too much work.”

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

It is the recognition of our weaknesses that is the impetus for our New Year’s resolutions”.

Resolutions by nature are the realizations that you actually need to change. It is when your resolution becomes your resolve that the situations in your life change for the better.  We all have weaknesses but staying weak ends up being “our problem” that we should, and in most cases could, change.

So, I tend to avoid resolutions to do better, in exchange, for resolving I will change.  This is the only way to benefit myself and those about my life who will benefit from my changing. 

Learning to change because it is right, exceeds altering to please others or to placate my own feelings. Only God in His wisdom can teach us what is right but only you and I can make it right in our lives.

The problem with God giving us a “free will” is that it cannot be started by remote control; it only has a manual self-starter.  This being the case, the blame game stops when your will-power, replaces your want-power. No one but you controls that button but you.

While it is best never to underestimate the power of laziness; it is also  true you had best never underestimate the power of the “free will“. You can do much more than you want to do …so get busy this year…doing.

The New Year gives a platform to begin again, but only our heart can drive us to make the changes and it is only with God’s help that can make the changes, permanent!.

Happy resolving this New Year!!:):)